If you feel hungrier than usual it’s because you are! Your body is craving 25% more calories than normal as estrogen levels begin to plummet in this phase - particularly during the second half of the luteal phase.

So what exactly does your mombody like to eat in the luteal phase? The answer is slow-burning, complex carbs - the reason your body craves carbs, carbs, carbs, during this time of the month is because it needs extra energy from foods like: brown rice, sweet potatoes, apples, pears. beans, chickpeas, bananas, buckwheat, millet.  These foods are your secret weapon for better sleep, easing PMS, and curbing those CRAZY cravings.

Did you hear me? Carbs are good for you right now. In fact, they are imperative - please eat them.

I have included my favorite “healthy” recipes for when cravings kick in during luteal. You’ll find them in the RECIPES tab on the homepage.

One more thing, if you find you are craving chocolate like a mad woman then it’s possible you are deficient in magnesium. Magnesium helps to ease cramps AND bloating by relaxing the muscles and easing constipation. I don’t know many women who don’t complain about period bloat and this is a simple way to help alleviate wanting to live in your sweatpants right now. 

Cacao powder offers about 40 mg of magnesium in each tablespoon.  But remember, magnesium is also found in those dark leafy greens, like spinach, swiss chard, collards, mustard greens, and watercress.  Also, beans, nuts, and fish too.

Luteal is a special time for those cooked, dark, leafy greens because they are filled with B vitamins that are crucial for helping with energy, mood, focus, and stress response - all things you need during this time of the month.

Lastly, cramps. A few words on those, since so many of us find ourselves unable to get out of bed when they strike. Here’s the deal: Prostaglandins stimulate the uterine muscles to contract. There are three kinds of prostaglandins in your mombody: PgE1, PgE2, PgE3. The PgE2 is the one that is responsible for cramps and pain and the more of it your body makes, the more pain you will have. The interesting thing is; the other PgE1 and PgE3 are natural painkillers as they actually relax the uterine muscles. So your mombody makes double the amount of the painkilling kind of prostaglandin, as opposed to the one that causes cramping! Your body is so smart! However, if you have terrible cramps then you are making too much PgE2 and you need to work on increasing your PgE1 and PgE3 in the long term. You do this by eating the right fats (we cover this next week). And eating things like salmon, sardines, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and sesame seeds help too so eat them often. The best food to avoid for cramps is dairy.

Here’s the recap:

  1. Body temperature is dropping which means it will feel good to eat warming foods that are roasted or baked. Besides, you might be sick of salads and smoothies by now this these foods are a welcome change!

  2. Complex carbs, magnesium, and B vitamins are great items to focus on during luteal phase to help curb cravings. This is the time have bananas, apples, and sweet potatoes on hand. And a good magnesium supplement or cooked green, leafy vegetables too.   

  3. You will naturally have more appetite (metabolism is revving) so eat up because you need 25% more calories per day.

  4.  Seed Cycling: One tablespoon of sesame and sunflower seeds when progesterone levels rise.  Sesame seeds have lignans which prevent the build up of excess estrogen and their high levels of zinc promotes progesterone production.  Sunflower seeds support liver detoxification and contribute to healthy progesterone levels.

I was going to include a video of me here making my favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe with coconut oil since this is one of my favorite things to eat when cravings set in. Instead, this video below talks about the things I personally do to feel better when I get off track - it’s a good recap of everything that we have been talking about so far in the program and it’s probably a better use of your time.

Side note, I cannot believe I never mentioned the many benefits I experience when using a foam roller and dry brush again here in the video - these two things have definitely influenced the rebalancing of my hormones. I truly miss those items when I am traveling.