Rest is a great thing for supporting your mombody hormones. Did you know your blood sugar balances when you get good solid rest?

This week is all about your mombody alignment and BAB breathing - so let’s see how well you are supporting your alignment and mombody core when you sleep, drive, sit, brush your teeth, blow dry your hair…

These things are important to pay attention to because you are retraining your body to have the alignment (and breathing patterns) you were born with. The major takeaway from this video is that you never really “turn off” your core muscles during the day. If you get in the habit of keeping your muscles turned on, then you won’t need to make up for it later at the gym doing all that core work.

A good strong core is the foundation for being pain-free, injury free, and leak free. Proper alignment also makes you appear younger as well so that’s just another bonus.

FYI: We are going to spend a lot of time foam rolling your body to make sure these changes last. One thing I like to do is lay down flat on a hardwood floor and let my body reset with gravity. You can help your mombody find those three beautiful curves and neutral pelvis by laying down and letting gravity work its magic. All you have to do is breathe and let go of tension in your muscles. It feels amazing.

Check out the video: Keep your core turned ON to a 3 (1 out of 10). Inhale to soften, exhale to contract to a 3.