Welcome to REBUILD - the first wellness program designed specifically for moms. Every woman I know wants to look beautiful in her skin, feel amazing (pain-free, injury-free, leak-free), and age gracefully.
Here are the answers to your most frequently asked questions:
Q: Who will benefit the most by using the REBUILD program?
A: This program was designed specifically for moms who have given birth and still have a period each month. Moms in their reproductive years usually deal with 2 problems that are unaccounted for in the wellness industry: 1). hormone balancing problems that lead to period problems (and a rough transition into menopause) and 2). a weakened core after pregnancies. This program addresses these problems while catapulting your wellness to its highest level possible.
Q: Why haven’t other programs addressed these mombody issues before?
A: I have no idea and it’s crazy, right?! But something interesting to note about the popular health and wellness culture is this: Most diets have been tested on men. Straight up, there are very few popular diets out there (keto, paleo, fasting) that have ever been tested on women because we are much too variable (because of our hormones!) to yield predictable results. This is not to say that some of these diets don’t work on women because some women do have success. However, long term results are really difficult to keep when it comes to weight loss and balancing hormones. That’s why it’s refreshing to know that the food and exercise sequencing provided in this program actually has been tested on women in their childbearing years. And the CARVE exercise technique is proven to repair a mombody core. This is imperative for long term mombody health, and why you are guaranteed to see success with this program that is designed for your mombody.
Q: Can I do the program if I’m not a mom?
A: Of course! I designed these programs with moms in mind because moms are the demographic left out of most health studies and research. It was time to provide moms with a program that was customized for their specific needs. But know that men will benefit from the exercises in this program - they have a pelvic floor too!
Q: What if I am in menopause? Perimenopause? Will this program help me?
A: The short answer is yes, the REBUILD program will benefit your menopausal body. The exercises and fascia work will be phenomenal for your body at any stage.
However, cycle syncing is no longer necessary for you to look and feel your best. Before puberty and after menopause, it’s your circadian clock, not your infradian clock (more on that below), and static hormonal pattern that will guide your life. Therefore, your health and wellness practice no longer needs to follow the phases of your monthly cycle.
In perimenopause, you will still benefit by cycle syncing but it will be more difficult as your period becomes more erratic. Studies show that having a healthy period is an good indication of a smooth transition into menopause so anything you can do now to help your mombody is good. Every little bit helps!
There is another program in the works to help with the specific needs of your menopausal mombody. Stay tuned.
Q: What does an unhealthy period mean?
A: An unhealthy period is when you suffer from problems like bloating, cramping, irritability, moodiness, headache, or literally any other ailment that usually falls under the general category of PMS is an indication of an unhealthy period. In contrast, a healthy period is free of these common problems.
Q: What color of blood, and consistency, signals a healthy period?
A: A healthy period should resemble the same bright color of fresh cranberry or cherry juice with high viscosity and little clotting. This healthy period will last anywhere from 3-7 days.
Q: What does it mean when your period is a different color than bright red?
A: First, a heavy, dark, clotty period that resembles the color of mashed blueberries is a sign of excess levels of estrogen and will lead to issues like PMS, stubborn weight gain, headaches, acne, hair problems and moodiness. Second. a period that is light pink in color resembling spread-out strawberry jam means low levels of estrogen. This period means you could have trouble with fertility or bone-density problems in the future. Lastly, a period that is brown in color resembling prunes means fluctuating progesterone levels which also means a pregnancy could be difficult to maintain or be a sign of perimenopause. (Information from Youtube video “What your period says about your Health with Alisa Vitti”).
Q: How long should my cycle be?
A: A typical cycle is 28 days. But some women have cycles that last any where between 27-31 days. A cycle within this range is also considered normal as long as this is consistent for you.
Q: What is a circadian clock? And an infradian clock?
A: A circadian clock is something both men and women have. Men and women live our lives according to the 24 hour circadian clock in our bodies because our hormones are tied to the cycle of the sun. We fall asleep when the sun sets and we wake up when the sun rises. When you work the night shift you are going against your circadian clock - living out of sync with your circadian clock can damage your physical and mental health. .
Specific to women only is a second clock called an infradian clock. This clock is tied to your menstrual cycle, which includes four phases-follicular, ovulation, luteal and menstrual. This cycle provides you with unique gifts and strengths at different times of the month. The infradian clock demonstrates that women are not hormonally the same person every single day. Whereas, men on the other hand ARE hormonally the same every single day as they do not have this second clock. Studies show that neglecting this inner clock has a profound impact on your health, your moods, and your performance.
We like to say, we are four different women throughout the month. And hormonally speaking, this is true.
Hormonal fluctuations affect your body temperature, sleep patterns, and heart rate throughout your cycle.
Q: What is cycle syncing?
A: The practice of nurturing your second clock (your menstrual cycle) with phase specific self-care, exercise, and food choices. When you Mbody8 your mombody, you are giving your body everything it needs all month long in order to sustain a constant level of health and happiness as the pattern continues month after month during your reproductive years. The opposite effect is to burn out your reserves and feel depleted each month that you’ve ignored what your body is saying it needs from you.
Studies show that if you cycle sync now (support your mombody), you can have a smoother transition into menopause - which means less hot flashes and other uncomfortable symptoms to deal with. It’s worth your efforts!
Q: What does it mean to MBody8 your mombody?
A: This is the fastest way to say, “when I support my mombody, my mombody will support me”. All month long you will make decisions to support your mombody so that you never feel “behind the eight ball”. The phrase, “behind the eight-ball” is a term used to describe being in trouble or being in a precarious position. Your mombody needs different things throughout the month to feel its best and we will give it exactly what it needs all month long. You will learn to work in partnership with your mombody, never against it. Because being healthy should feel amazing.
Q: Do I have to cycle sync to be healthy?
Yes, we absolutely believe cycle syncing is the foundation of being healthy in your mombody. But most women never pay mind to their periods or nurture the privilege of having a healthy period. But the uprising in women’s health issues is a clear signal that maybe we should be paying attention to what our mombody is saying.
Again, studies show that if you cycle sync now (support your mombody), you can have a smoother transition into menopause - which means less hot flashes and other uncomfortable symptoms to deal with. It’s worth your efforts!
Q: What if I don’t care about syncing with my period?
A: That’s the beauty of having choices! You get to decide how healthy you want to be. When you sync with your cycle you can leverage your hormones to the best of your body’s ability to lose weight, end PMS, and enjoy your life in your mombody. A healthy period equals a healthy mombody. But by all means, you can completely ignore your cycle and carry on with health and wellness as you have always done. It is entirely up to you.
It’s also important to note that a healthy period is an indication of better health down the road. If you’ve had terrible periods for a long time there is a greater chance you may suffer from one of the big four diseases later in life: diabetes, heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s. Women have a right to know their period is an important indication of their overall health.
Q: Does cycle syncing help with PCOS, hormonal acne, endometriosis, amenorrhea?
A: Yes, cycle syncing helps with all of these conditions. Alisa Vitti, the founder of cycle syncing, helps women all over the world find solutions to their “period problems”. Alisa cured her own bout of PCOS using principles of cycle syncing. Her book details how to handle these specific conditions but we do not go into as much depth in this program. However, the beginning of cycle syncing with REBUILD will definitely get you started on your path to healing.
Alisa’s research is invaluable to women today and our daughters of the future. I cannot recommend it enough. And I know her work is just the tip of the iceberg = there is so much more to learn as we get better about studying women’s health and their periods.
Q: Why do we need to balance our hormones?
A: To look and feel your best. It is the fastest, and most direct path to get to the highest level of health on your wellness journey.
Q: How long will it take to start feeling better?
A; Very quickly. Your mombody is resilient and you will start seeing results and feeling better in as little as two cycles. For some women, this process will take longer but improvements will be seen along the way which is very encouraging that you are doing the right things to support your mombody.
Q: Why is the endocrine system important?
A: The endocrine system is the communication happening among your body’s hormones, glands and organs. When this system is in balance and communicating properly - it has a trickle down effect of improving the function of every single system in the body. Some common things that disrupt the function of the endocrine system are: blood sugar imbalances, stress, poor elimination, adrenal fatigue, disrupted sleep, and not doing things you love. Yes, your body functions better when you are loving your life.
Q: What is estrogen dominance?
A: Estrogen dominance is caused when the ratio of estrogen in your body outweighs the ratio of progesterone levels in the luteal phase of your cycle. This excess of estrogen is what causes PMS symptoms and will remediate once you metabolize and eliminate estrogen more efficiently. Also, it helps tremendously to stop excess estrogens from entering your body in the first place when you clean up the products you use on your body and in your household.
Q: What if I am currently in a different menstrual phase than the starting point of this program?
A: This course is yours to keep once purchased and is also self-guided. The starting point for this program is the follicular phase so you are welcome to wait until you are also in the follicular phase as well to begin. Otherwise, feel free to run through the program so you are ready to take action when you are actually in your follicular phase next month.
Q: Is each of the four phases distinct?
A: No, the four phases of your menstrual period are fluid and gradually transition from one to the other. The duration listed in the program are rough estimates that give you a guideline from one phase’s beginning to its end. A great way to track which phase you are in is using THE PERIOD TRACKER, or IN THE FLO app on your phone, I’m sure there are other great ones out there but those are the two I use.
Q: What if I am on birth control and don’t have a normal period?
A: When you are on birth control, you have a “period” that isn’t really a period. Therefore, it doesn’t make sense to sync with your cycle since your hormonal patterns are different from naturally occurring periods. However, your mombody will benefit from all the other teachings in this program when it comes to repairing your mombody core, controlling stress levels, postural alignment, breathing techniques, etc. There are still plenty of ways to REBUILD your mombody in this program.
Q: What is wrong with using birth control like the pill?
A: Nothing is wrong with using the pill or any other type of contraception - it is entirely your choice. But it is good to know that you have all the information you need and understand the side effects to make an informed decision. I highly recommend the book Beyond the Pill by Dr. Jolene Brighten. It lays out exactly what the pill is doing to your mombody so you can be aware of what to do when you come off of it when you would like to get pregnant.
One thing that has stood out to me after reading her book is that estrogen is a gift to women that is used to protect your brain, heart, and bones - which could be a factor in why we live longer than men. If you don’t ovulate (which you don’t do on the pill) then you are robbing your future estrogen health bank accounts. That stuck with me, and I had to decide if I wanted to find another way to protect my estrogen levels while also protecting myself from becoming pregnant again. It’s a decision that is entirely up to you. I personally took birth control for a decade and now I don’t. It’s a personal decision.
Q: What if I am trying to avoid becoming pregnant?
A: There are many different methods of birth control to choose from and it’s totally your choice to decide which one is right for you. It’s also important to know that some methods of birth control aren’t necessarily doing your mombody any favors when it comes to balancing your hormones naturally. Women have a right to know that birth control is good at avoiding pregnancy but maybe not the best for mombody health.
Q: What if I’ve had a hysterectomy and no longer have a monthly period but I am still in my natural child-bearing years; is there a benefit to syncing with my cycle if I don’t have one?
A: Some women find comfort in the idea of syncing with the moon in the absence of a period. Most women have a period tied to the moon cycle each month, and this is easy to follow when you understand that menses is synchronous to a new moon. Therefore, a new moon is a great starting point to cycle in a food and exercise sequence that makes sense for your mombody.
In addition, your mombody will benefit from all the other teachings in this program when it comes to repairing your mombody core, controlling stress levels, postural alignment, breathing techniques, etc.
Q: Can I still do cardio in luteal phase?
A: The luteal phase is a special time because it’s really two phases in one. In the first half of luteal, you may still have high energy levels at the beginning of this phase as you are transitioning out of ovulation. So yes, in the beginning of luteal, you can still do cardio but as your hormones levels begin to drop you will be better suited for weight training and resistance. Your hormones in the second half of luteal make it easier to gain lean muscle mass during this time so take advantage of it.
Q: What’s the deal with weight lifting?
A: Weight lifting is a phenomenal way to exercise your mombody and can be done in any phase. However, your hormones in the second half of luteal make it easier to gain muscle mass during this time so take advantage of it. Remember: the luteal phase is a special time because it’s really two phases in one. In the first half of luteal, you may still have high energy levels at the beginning of this phase as you are transitioning out of ovulation. So yes, in the beginning of luteal, you can still do cardio but as your hormones levels begin to drop you will be better suited for weight training and resistance. Some women have seen great results when they lift heavy with lower reps in luteal. In other phases it makes sense to do the opposite by lifting lighter weights with higher reps.
Weight lifting is also an ideal time to engage your BAB breath and start practices that rewire your brain. See video in Week 3 of the program.
Q: Do I have to eat organic?
A: No, not all the time but 80% is recommended.
Q: What’s the deal with eating foods that are based on my body’s temperature?
A: Your body’s temperature and metabolism change throughout the month based on which phase you are in. The warming/cooling foods we choose either support those hormonal variances or interfere with our body’s natural 28-day cycle. This way of eating is based on Chinese Medicine and was found in the books Woman Code and In the Flo by Alissa Vitti. Definitely worth checking out if you want to know more.
Alissa Vitti goes into much greater detail because her research also encourages specific food choices at specific times of the month. “The foods recommended on ‘this program’ (Alissa’s program, not REBUILD) represent the intersection of the Chinese medicine theory of using foods to support bodily organs and the seasonality of the cycle to support your hormone levels throughout the entire month.” How cool is that? For the sake of the REBUILD program, we think it’s a good start to eat warming/cooling foods to get into the hang of things. Plus, it’s such a comforting way to support your mombody.
Q: What if it’s winter outside and my follicular phase is calling for cold foods like a smoothie but I don’t want it to eat it?
A: No amount of fruits and vegetables will ever be wrong for your mombody. If it’s 20 below outside and the last thing you want is a cold smoothie then please don’t drink it. Instead, you can lightly saute or steam a more palatable breakfast that both warms your body up and is also compatible with your follicular phase.
Q: What is fascia?
A: Connective tissue that runs throughout your body. It connects and separates everything. It is responsible for shape, structure, communication, and circulation in the body. The fascia system has pain receptors and hormones within it. This naturally sticky substance is responsible for protecting you. The fascia system works best when hydrated so it can slide and glide easily. Over time, fascia becomes hardened and thickened when not properly taken care of.
Q: What is the CARVE technique?
A: The CARVE technique is a way to fix your mombody core both inside and outside. The 3-step technique uses a combination of fascia work, specific core exercises with BAB breathing and attention to alignment, and then foam rolling to remove toxins, reduce inflammation and muscle tension, and reshape your waistline. This combination helps to fix (and beautify) the inside of your mombody core so the outside looks better as well. In addition, this technique teaches your inner core muscles to fire and activate more effectively while also helping fascia to lay down flat and rehydrate. Because of this internal work, the outside appearance of your core is also improved.
The CARVE technique is inspired by the Lauren Roxburgh research on fascia and foam rolling. It’s also inspired by Ashley Black’s research on fascia blasting, and Eric Franklin’s books on fascia and the pelvis. The core work, alignment, and breathing is my own creation.
Q:What if I want to buy the products you recommend?
I would love your support purchasing products through my affiliate links for fascia blasters by Ashley Black and creams from Dr. Anna Cabeca.
Currently, I don’t have affiliate links for foam rollers, balls, supplements, etc. I make recommendations but do not get paid by a third party for those suggestions. I only endorse products I truly believe in and the ones that get results.
Q: Do you have a product page?
A: Yes, the affiliate links are located in the second week of the program. There is also a product page on the website www.mbody8.com
Q: What’s the deal with seed cycling?
A: Seed cycling involves eating flax, pumpkin, sesame, and sunflower seeds at different times of the month to balance certain hormones. It helps to regulate estrogen in the first half on the month and the hormone progesterone in the second half. However, there is little scientific evidence to back up these claims. But you should try it to see how your body responds because you may find amazing results as some women can attest. During follicular and ovulation phases women should consume 1 tablespoon each of ground flax seed and pumpkin seeds each day. During luteal and menstruation women should eat 1 tablespoon each of ground sunflower and sesame seeds each day. The tricky part is there are also varying opinions on when to eat what seeds but I’ve found Dr. Jolene Brighten to be a good resource for understanding this topic.
Q: What is adrenal fatigue?
A: It’s when the adrenals function below the necessary levels. The adrenals are organs located above your kidneys that release cortisol and adrenaline in response to stress. Adrenal fatigue happens when you have high levels of stress in your life and your adrenals eventually burn out from this prolonged production of cortisol. Most traditional doctors say this condition isn’t real.
For the sake of this program we are supporting your adrenals in several ways: learning to manage stress, get more restful sleep, balance blood sugar and exercising in a way that supports the hormonal patterns in your menstrual cycle. One thing to note is exercise is actually stressful on your body - that’s just how it works, it stresses your body so your body is forced to make changes to adapt to those stresses. But in this program we learn ways to meaningfully exercise that coincides with your hormonal patterns so as to support your adrenals. You’re in good hands!
Q: What is liver detoxification and why does it matter?
A: One of the most important jobs your liver has to do is eliminate toxins from your body. Over time, this job becomes harder and harder to do with the influx of toxins all around us. There are ways to stop so many toxins from entering our bodies in the first place - by being cognizant of the types of products we bring into our home and the ones we put onto our body. We can also choose organic foods with less pesticides and GMO ingredients.
In this program, we also discuss foods that help support your liver’s detoxifying process.
Q: What about alkalinity?
A: By eating more alkaline foods - fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes - your body’s pH level achieves a more desirable, less inflammatory state. We don’t go too in-depth on this topic in the program but we are always looking for ways to add “a side of greens”, a fresh green juice, or some lemon water to our daily life.
Q: Should I work with a functional doctor to test my blood hormone levels before I start the program?
A: Yes, you absolutely can. It’s always nice to have a starting point to gauge your hormones now and then see any improvements made as you begin supporting your mombody. But even if working with a doctor isn’t an option - this program is chock-full of ways to support your mombody hormones with simple strategies. Your body changes for the better when you complete this program.
Beyond the Pill by Dr. Jolene Brighten, In the Flo and Woman Code by Alisa Vitti, The Sugar Detox Diet by JJ Virgin, The Hormone Reset Diet by Sarah Gottfried, Natural Posture for Pain-free Living by Kathleen Porter, The 28-Days Lighter Diet by Ellen Barret, Diastasis Recti by Katy Bowman, Alignment Matters by Katy Bowman, Move Your DNA by Katy Bowman, Baby Bod by Marianne Ryan, Pelvic Power by Eric Franklin, The Power Source and Taller, Slimmer, Younger by Lauren Roxburgh, Relieving Pelvic Pain During and After Pregnancy by Cecile Rost, 8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back by Esther Gokhale, Glow 15 by Naomi Whittel, The Hormone Fix by Dr. Anna Cabeca, The Cellulite Myth by Ashley Black, The Miracle Ball Method by Elaine Petrone, Stress Less, Accomplish More by Emily Fletcher, The Melt Method and Melt classes by Sue Hitzmann, Anatomy Trains by Thomas Myers.