
Hello Beautiful Mama,

Congratulations!  You are a supermom and you have been for a long time! You know the beautiful disaster that motherhood can be and you just keep giving everything you have to the people all around you.  But now it’s time to take care of YOU. It’s time to rebuild your mombody from the inside out because you will look and feel amazing when you do.

I’m a mom to three kids and for many years I just didn’t feel or look my best.  After my daughter was born, I noticed significant changes in my bladder control and lower back pain.  Then, several years into motherhood I noticed acne, a spare tire around my middle that wouldn’t budge, and PMS symptoms that were getting worse.  I tell you this because my wellness journey took much trial and error and almost five years of ups and downs to get to a point of feeling amazing in my mombody again. 

But now, it is my absolute pleasure to teach you everything I learned along the way. This 4-week course will save you a ton of time and energy. This course is exactly what I wish someone had taught me all those years ago.   

REBUILD is a special program designed specifically for moms in their reproductive years that still have a monthly period. (Don’t worry if you don’t have a period for medical or birth control reasons - you are still in the right place because there is so much mombody goodness coming your way!)

Throughout the program, we have two tools to get you where you want to be: 1) use the MBODY8 lifestyle to balance hormones for a healthy period, and 2) use CARVE to rebuild a strong mombody core and slim waistline.

First, mombody wellness is directly linked to a healthy period. When you have an unhealthy period, this is a clear sign that something needs to change. REBUILD will cover in great detail how to best support your mombody for maximum wellness using the MBODY8 lifestyle. Second, your mombody core has been through a lot with each of your pregnancies no matter how long ago those pregnancies were. The CARVE technique will teach you the best ways to strengthen your core and pelvic floor so you can have that gorgeous, slim waistline again.

The good news is: Once you’ve had a chance to digest all the information, getting healthy is actually easier than it’s ever been before. Ease into a partnership with your mombody, and stop fighting against it. When you do everything that you can to support it, your mombody will support you right back. And remember this: if you get your hormones happy now, you will have a much smoother transition into menopause. No hot flashes for you. This is information worth sharing with our daughters.

 Our philosophy is simple: Help Moms |look and feel| BEAUTIFUL |inside and out|.

In this program, we use the MBODY8 lifestyle to literally REBUILD your mombody from the inside out.  When you use the MBODY8 lifestyle, you are consciously deciding to do as many good things as you can throughout the month to keep your mombody sane and strong. We teach moms to embody health and wellness practices that support your mombody all month long (there are 8 pillars of health though you will only learn 4 in this program). Each week we will cover a few lessons and then we will put those lessons into practice by following those four pillars of health: EAT. MOVE. REST. DETOX. We go through this in more detail throughout the program, but your inside out transformation starts right here.

Remember: You really can’t have full body health and wellness without the combination of these components.  

Ok, let’s start with Eat.


So, what should I eat, you ask?  Our answer is: Eat good food and drink plenty of water.  That is all you need to do to help your mombody REBUILD.  

But, if we are digging a little deeper, and we want to help accelerate our body’s natural REBUILDING process, here are the MBODY8 food guidelines: 

  • Eat when you are hungry, stop when you are full.  Most moms are NOT eating enough food.  Calories in vs. calories out is an outdated way to lose weight. And we know this because not all calories are created equal.  When you eat whole foods, you can eat so much more than if you are loading up on brownies and pasta. You do not need to track your calories when you eat the “right” foods, however, some moms like to see a baseline of what they are eating. Feel free to track your food in an app like My Fitness Pal, or another macro counter.

  • Eat Protein: Moderate amounts of this important building block will help build muscle and strengthen soft tissue - specifically, your core and pelvic floor.  Great sources of protein: red meat, dark green leafy vegetables, beans and legumes, seafood, poultry, eggs, nuts & seeds, tofu & dairy.  

  • Eat Fat: Mommy brain is no joke. Eating enough fat will make you feel so much better. An extremely important fat for moms is Omega-3 DHA found primarily in fish such as salmon, anchovies, sardines, mullet and lake trout. Other good sources of fat: ghee, butter, eggs, coconut oil, avocados and their oil, MCT oil, olive oil, sesame oil, walnut oil.

  • Eat Carbohydrates: As in the GOOD carbohydrates like fruits, vegetables and grains; especially during the second part of your luteal phase when your body is craving them. There is a reason your body is craving them because it is smart. Also, you will need the fiber to keep your digestion running smoothly. Get used to the idea of eating greens at every meal. 

  • Limit Sugar: Sugar comes in the sweet form of cakes, brownies, ice cream, etc. but don’t forget about the savory white-flour forms of sugar like bread, pasta, pizza, croissants, etc. - these products turn into sugar in your body as well. Think of sugar as the gasoline you pour on a fire. Sugar is inflammatory and actually interferes with the rebuilding process.  Plus, it causes wrinkles, and we are trying to plump up loose momskin with solid nutrition. When you crave something sweet - dark chocolate is a great option, or coconut milk yogurt with nuts and berries. Alcohol can be consumed moderately - stick to clear liquors like vodka and tequila without the sweet juices and mixers.

    In addition, REBUILD strongly encourages the use of two secret weapons in your inside-out wellness. Moms should find ways to consume the following: 

  • Bone Broth - It’s no secret the skin on your tummy and thighs has stretched out and become looser. As we age, we also see the effects of loose skin on our face and necks. Drinking bone broth is the fastest way to restore the elasticity in your skin because it has plenty of collagen (among other important nutrients). Drinking broth helps pull the skin back to the muscle and also lightens the color of stretch marks - you can think of it as nature’s botox. Please note: Beef broth is best for skin health. Chicken and turkey broth are great for joint health. Vegetarian broth does not contain collagen. If you are a vegetarian, we still recommend you drink vegetable broth for all of its many benefits. You can buy in bulk at Costco, you can make your own, or order online from brands like Kettle and Fire, Bonafide, and Dr. Kellyanne’s broth (hers taste the best but it’s pricey).

  • Collagen Powder: Try adding collagen powder to your smoothies, coffee or tea, soups, and even your baked goods.  Collagen helps with two vital components of your wellness: 1). Connective tissue repair (you want this for your abdominal separation and pelvic floor repair) and 2). It helps restore the lining in your gut (bone broth does this as well).  This means your body will be able to absorb more of the goodness you are feeding it. Nothing worse than eating good food that isn’t being absorbed by your gorgeous mombody. From a beauty standpoint, it helps tighten skin, grow fuller hair and stronger nails.  You will see a difference after one week of using.  There are lots of brands that now contain a combination of these different types of collagens. I like Ancient Nutrition and Primal Kitchen.


Your mombody loves all types of movement but it turns out there is a hormonal advantage to cardio exercises in the beginning of your monthly cycle, and a different hormonal advantage for strength training in the later part of your cycle. We cover this in depth in the program.

In addition, we focus a lot of time on rebuilding a strong mombody core from the inside out. We do this by activating your deep inner core and it all starts with learning to breathe properly. More info on breathing will come later.

You will be excited to know that the CARVE technique (in combination with the MBODY8 lifestyle) is the fastest way to slim your waistline so you can look good.  But we are even more excited to give you a fully functioning core for the rest of your life so you can feel ggood!  

Many of the standard weight loss programs out there fall short when it comes to a mom’s body.  With REBUILD, we emphasize core-centric workouts that focus on repairing an abdominal separation and a weakened pelvic floor.  These are two very common occurrences in both pregnancy and menopause, two major times in your momlife.

Most mombodies are imbalanced when it comes to muscles in your core. For example, some muscles in your pelvic floor may have stretched/weakened (i.e., urine leaking) or have become overly tight (i.e., pelvic pain during intercourse).  Most often, moms have a combination of “too tight” and “too weak” going at the same time - this imbalance reaches beyond your pelvic floor and into your entire mombody.  

Our exercise videos will show you exactly what to do.  


Nutrition and exercise are major players in the mombody REBUILD process, but they are NOT as powerful without rest.

Please note, rest can mean many different things in our program, such as: restful sleep, giving your body a break from working out all the time (this takes courage!), meditation (listening to your inner voice), getting outside, walking with friends, self-care, staying positive, focusing on the bigger picture, etc. These are all powerful ways we can reduce stress levels in your body. The lower your stress levels - the more thorough and efficient rebuilding your mombody will be.

Just be aware that sleep and/or resting will always be more beneficial than a workout.  

Our culture promotes that “moms can do it all” and “more is more” and we should power through a workout no matter how we are feeling. This is absolutely not true! 


If you want to take your mombody wellness to the next level, then you will love the DETOX benefits of this program as well. The best aging-gracefully secrets are threaded throughout the program. 

Ok ladies, this is everything in a nutshell. You are now ready to get started.

I no longer feel crazy fat when I’ve indulged too much.  I no longer feel like a prisoner to sugar cravings. I no longer think about food all day long.  I no longer leak urine when I’m playing tennis. I no longer have sore boobs for half the month. The beautiful thing is: I no longer hate my body, and I no longer wish it was smaller. Does this mean my mombody is suddenly perfect? Ummm, yeah right! Of course not. It just means that when I am taking care of myself in this special way that I am about to teach you, I am more at peace - loose skin, athletic thighs, slim waistline, aging face, sagging neck, strong pelvic floor (woohoo!), and all. I have fallen in love with my mombody - and you will too.

Let the inside-out transformation begin!

Much love,