Welcome to REBALANCE - the first wellness program designed specifically for menopausal moms and beyond.
With menopause, you are entering a new chapter of life. This stage can be quite liberating! You determine what brings you joy because you are in charge. You can decide to travel the world, start a business, write a book, run for office! You can do anything you want as long as you have your health. REBALANCE is the program designed to give you true mombody health so you can look and feel amazing. Because the best is yet to come!
Too often, I hear women complain about their bodies. I watch them determine their self worth by what the scale says. I see them being disappointed in how their body looks and how it’s functioning too. It turns out there is A LOT of exercise and nutrition information out there but not all of it is applicable to your mombody - especially in and after menopause. And trust me when I say, it’s not your fault. So let’s cut right to the chase and follow a path of wellness that makes sense for your mombody.
This program is the embodiment of how I live my life now, and how I will live my life in menopause and beyond (with a few tweaks, but that’s why we have restore. rebuild. rebalance, after all). It is my mission to help you take care of your mombody woes. Find answers to common problems that every mom deals with like: stubborn weight gain, a weakened pelvic floor, a thickened waistline, loose skin, irritability, hot flashes, sleep issues, crazy mood swings/crazy hormones, and just not feeling your absolute best. These things are what make your mombody different and it’s so much easier to fix these problems when you understand how to tackle the problem.
In this program, we use two tools: 1) the CARVE technique to hone in the exercises your mombody needs for a strong core and pelvic floor. 2) We also teach you to use the MBODY8 lifestyle to get happy hormones. When you “MBODY8 your Mombody” you are consciously deciding to make good choices that support your mombody. Each week we will cover a few lessons and then we will put those lessons into practice by following our four pillars of health: EAT. MOVE. REST. DETOX. We go through this in more detail throughout the program.
I want you to finally be free from negative feelings about your body. Good food is meant to be eaten, exercise is supposed to feel amazing, self-care is your right, sleep is restful, and life is meant to be enjoyed every single day that you are blessed with being here on this big, beautiful earth.
Let the inside-out transformation begin,
Amy Sosville
PS: It is absolutely my pleasure to share this information with you and I encourage you to share it with other moms out there. It is my hope that one day, our daughters be liberated from the same mombody issues we have dealt with for too long. With the right education, our daughters will understand their bodies too, will require special care in order to thrive.