

Now that you understand how to keep THE BIG THREE happy in your mombody, you know that the other hormones will fall into place. We really ARE only as happy as our hormones so let’s use the MBODY8 lifestyle to keep them in check. And CARVE can rebuild your core from the inside out. You can feel younger, sexier, fitter than ever before.

Now, let’s move onto another subject in menopause that all moms will love. Aging gracefully. While we certainly can’t roll back the clock - there are certain strategies you can incorporate today that will turn on your body’s natural cellular cleanup crew to age gracefully. Let’s talk about how to kick on your body’s autophagy.


Autophagy is what your body naturally does to get rid of unhealthy, diseased cells. Think of it as your body’s spring cleaning. The word “autophagy” comes from auto, which means “self”, and “phagy” which means “eat”. So basically, your body is eating itself. This whole process is your body’s way of eating the broken, unusable, damaged, weakened cells so it can make way for new, fresh, healthy cells to take their place. Think of it like your body’s own Ms. Pacman. Ms. Pacman is chomping away at all the bad stuff inside your body. Talk about an efficient way to clear up the trash in your body! Genius!

While autophagy is a natural process it does slow down as we age. But there are several ways to light a candle under Ms. Pacman’s butt to kick this process into high gear when it wants to slow down.

Autophagy is driven by cycles and rhythms just like the tides of the ocean. High tide and low tide. Up and back. Always think of autophagy like the ocean - it works best when you turn it on, then turn it off. You don’t want to live in a perpetual state of keeping autophagy on because like anything else, it will no longer function well if it is always turned on.

You will look and feel amazing when you do!