

If you want to boost your oxytocin levels naturally, then the fastest way to do that is to dance. While it may seem silly, it’s the most effective way to shift your energy into a positive direction. Try it for one minute. And tell me you don’t feel the surge of oxytocin running through your mombody.

Studies show that the most important thing you can be doing for your mombody in menopause is to lift weights. As we age, our bodies will lose muscle mass and fat will continue to proliferate in its place - a process called sarcopenia. But this doesn’t have to be the case if you know what to do to reverse it! Bust out those weights and lift them with the Bodies After Baby breath in order to cinch in that waistline and keep that pelvic floor strong! Video demonstration located a little further down.

There is a trap that most aging people fall into. This particular trap is the one that tricks aging people into believing they-look-the-same-way-they-did-back-in-high-school MYTH. You often hear people say, “I weigh the exact same number I did when I was in high school”. This myth tricks us into believing we MUST be the same size if our clothes fit the same way they used to. And we MUST be healthy if we can button up those jeans we wore back in high school. Do not fall for this trap.

The truth is, there is a much different story going on inside your mombody. If you could magically open up your mombody and look inside of it, you would see your ratio of fat is growing much faster than your muscle mass. This process makes your skin appear looser, your strength to steadily deteriorate, and your metabolic rate to plummet. So even if you weigh the same number that you did in high school, just know that without weight training, you have surely lost muscle mass and replaced it with fat. Not as healthy as you think! So, of course, the answer to reverse sarcopenia is to lift weights. Remember, “Muscle mass is our wellness currency.” Dr. Ackey

Most people don’t know this but lifting weights increases strength, power, muscle mass, endurance (very surprising!), connective tissue (fascia), and lessens body fat. Compare this to aerobic training which actually causes you to lose strength, power, muscle mass, and connective tissue. Strength training may be the perfect workout for you as long as you are working your muscles to the point of failure - and the good news is, this doesn’t take long to do once you get the hang of it.

Watch the video to see the best way to lift weights while keeping your mombody core engaged.