Day 1 - Slim Day (Cardio)


Walking outside for 20 minutes.  Engage your glutes and turn on your transverse abdominis (corset muscle).  Walking is a powerful tool for healing the body (lots of muscles working) and great circulation for getting oxygenated blood flow to the tissues that need repairing. This movement helps to flush postpartum fluids from your body but most importantly, your body will find its new center of gravity after pregnancy - your body’s alignment will thank you!   

Walking Demo video here.

In addition to your walk, add 3 sets of 10 BAB Buddha squats. Here is the link for the demonstration:

BAB Buddha Squats video here.

After working to strengthen & activate your muscles, it is so important to cool down with your foam roller. This is a powerful tool for two reasons: 1). it re-aligns your bones, and 2). it can release, relax, and re-hydrate the muscles and fascia in your body. Think of rolling over your entire body layer by layer and be gentle with yourself. When you discover tender spots, or experience pain - that’s your signal to back off the pressure.

Cool Down: Foam roll to align your postpartum body video here.  


  • Your goal is to eat fewer than 100 grams of net carbs on this day.  Total carbs minus fiber = net carbs.

  • Shorten your eating window to 8 hours

  • Avoid fruits and starchy carbs (root veggies, grains)

  • Eat protein at each meal - shoot for 50 - 70 grams of protein on Slim Days

  • Think of a seesaw - naturally, your protein & fat intake will go up while your carb intake goes down

  • Remember, there is more protein in broccoli than there is in steak. Just in case you aren’t used to eating so much animal protein. MyFitnessPal will calculate how much protein, fat, & carbs you are eating.

  • Eat lots of leafy and cruciferous vegetables

  • Eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full

  • Get excited about Slim Days because you will feel amazing


Day 2 - Slim Day (Cardio)


Walking outside for 30 minutes. Work up to walking 3 miles with proper alignment - this won’t happen all at once but keep in mind this is the direction we are heading.

Walking Demo video here.

In addition to your walk, add 3 sets of 10 BAB Buddha squats. Here is the link for the demonstration:

BAB Buddha Squats video here.

After working to strengthen & activate your muscles, it is so important to cool down with your foam roller. This is a powerful tool for two reasons: 1). it re-aligns your bones, and 2). it can release, relax, and re-hydrate the muscles and fascia in your body. Think of rolling over your entire body layer by layer and be gentle with yourself. When you discover tender spots, or experience pain - that’s your signal to back off the pressure.

Cool Down: Foam roll to align your postpartum body video here.



  • Your goal is to eat fewer than 100 grams of net carbs on this day.  Total carbs minus fiber = net carbs.

  • Shorten your eating window to 8 hours

  • Avoid fruits and starchy carbs (root veggies, grains)

  • Eat protein at each meal - shoot for 50-70 grams of protein on Slim Days

  • Think of a seesaw - naturally, your protein & fat intake will go up while your carb intake goes down

  • Track your food in MyFitnessPal - you want to make sure you are eating enough protein. Remember, there is more protein in broccoli than there is in steak.

  • Eat lots of leafy and cruciferous vegetables

  • Eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full

  • Get excited about Slim Days because you will feel amazing  


Day 3 - Strong Day (Deep Inner Core Workout for Stability)


IMPORTANT: If you notice your stomach doming, or bulging out, then you must STOP.  If you notice you are holding your breath, you could be harming your pelvic floor.  Proper technique is imperative for strengthening your inner core and not causing more damage.  If at any time you notice your tummy bulging out or you are pushing your pelvic floor outwards (away from your body) then STOP.  These are clear signs you need to practice the proper BAB breath technique before you progress. The best cue you can give yourself is: BLOW (exhale) BEFORE YOU GO!


Warm Up: BAB Warm Up (Inhale/exhale to breathe using imagery for rib cage and pelvic floor expansion and then narrowing again to close).   


Restore Week 1 Workout Video here. (The exercises are explained in detail below for more information, or you can follow along in the video).


These exercises are meant to help you stabilize the muscles surrounding your deep inner core.  Although you may not feel a typical “burn” sensation, you will fatigue the transverse abdominis and pelvic floor muscles in a different way.


  • Table Top - Lie on your back with knees bent, feet hip-width apart and abs drawn in. Flex your foot, bringing your leg to a 90 degree angle while your shin is parallel to the floor.  Keeping your pelvis still, inhale, then exhale as you use your deep abdominal muscles to push your left heel away from your body - keeping your shin parallel to the floor. Scoop out your belly on the exhale - feeling for tension in your linea alba.  Alternate sides doing 5 on each side, working up to 10. (Strengthens the transverse and lower back, supporting your core).

  • Alternate March - Lie on your back with knees bent, feet hip-width apart and ribcage drawn in. Your spine can be in neutral (with space between the mat and your lower back), OR, you can glue your lower back to the floor having no space between your lower back and the mat - this will all depend on how stable your pelvis is.  Whichever position is most comfortable to properly recruit your transverse and pelvic floor is the right choice for you. Flex your foot, pressing your heel into the floor. Keeping your pelvis still and rib cage closed; inhale, then exhale as you engage your deep abdominal muscles to “march” your opposite leg up and down. Scoop out your belly on the exhale - feeling for tension in your linea alba.  Alternate sides doing 5 marches on each side, working up to 10. (Strengthens the transverse and lower back, supporting your core).

  • Legs Together March - Same setup as marching although now glue your legs together to move them as one unit. Inhale to bring your feet towards the floor keeping your rib cage closed.  Now, exhale to scoop out your belly and bring your knees back towards your body.

  • Legs Together Table Top - Same setup as Table Top only now you are sliding your legs (with shins parallel to the floor) as one unit keeping inner thighs glued together.

  • Cat/Cows; Come down to the floor with knees under hips and hands lined up under your shoulders. Inhale to arch your back and release your head and tailbone toward the ceiling letting your belly soften and expand. On the inhale release tension in your pelvic floor (this DOES NOT mean push out on your pelvic floor - this DOES mean let it relax and let all tension release).  Next, exhale to arch your back, scooping out your belly,by tucking your head and tailbone underneath you - have your eyes look for your navel. As tightly as you can, exhale to engage your transverse abdominis (corset muscle) and firmly, but gently lift up on your pelvic floor.

  • Leg Lifts - With both hands planted firmly on the mat, go ahead and extend one leg out straight behind you. Exhale to engage your core and pelvic floor while you lift your leg off the mat until it is in one straight line with your upper body. Inhale to soften your core and pelvic floor and bring your leg back to starting position.

  • Leg Lift with Pulse Up, and to the Midline - Saem set up as Leg Lifts, although now you are doing quick exhales times with each pulse of your leg and arm towards the midline of your body.  

  • Leg Lifts with Alternating Arm - Same set up as Leg Lifts, but now you are adding an arm extension with the opposite leg extension on each exhale.  Inhale to bring everything back to center.

  • Cat/Cows; Come down to the floor with knees under hips and hands lined up under your shoulders. Inhale to arch your back and release your head and tailbone toward the ceiling letting your belly soften and expand. On the inhale release tension in your pelvic floor (this DOES NOT mean push out on your pelvic floor - this DOES mean let it relax and let all tension release).  Next, exhale to arch your back, scooping out your belly, by tucking your head and tailbone underneath you - have your eyes look for your navel. As tightly as you can, exhale to engage your transverse abdominis (corset muscle) and firmly, but gently lift up on your pelvic floor.

After working to strengthen & activate your muscles, it is so important to cool down with your foam roller. This is a powerful tool for two reasons: 1). it re-aligns your bones, and 2). it can release, relax, and re-hydrate the muscles and fascia in your body. Think of rolling over your entire body layer by layer and be gentle with yourself. When you discover tender spots, or experience pain - that’s your signal to back off the pressure.

Cool Down: Foam roll to align your postpartum body video here.



  • Be sure you are eating enough calories according to MyFitnessPal app and balancing your carbs, fat and protein

  • Eat breakfast at your normal time - no fasting

  • Enjoy the complex carbohydrates that you missed eating on your Slim Days.

  • Think of a seesaw - naturally, your carb intake will go up again as your protein & fat come back down.

  • Your ideal plate: 50 % fibrous veggies, 30% protein, 20% fat


Day 4 - Strong Day (Deep Inner Core Workout for Stability)


IMPORTANT: If you notice your stomach doming, or bulging out, then you must STOP.  If you notice you are holding your breath, you could be harming your pelvic floor.  Proper technique is imperative for strengthening your inner core and not causing more damage.  If at any time you notice your tummy bulging out or you are pushing your pelvic floor outwards (away from your body) then STOP.  These are clear signs you need to practice the proper BAB breath technique before you progress. The best cue you can give yourself is: BLOW (exhale) BEFORE YOU GO!


Warm Up: BAB Warm Up (Inhale/exhale to breathe using imagery for rib cage and pelvic floor expansion and then narrowing again to close).   


Restore Week 1 Workout Video here. (The exercises are explained in detail below for more information, or you can follow along in the video).


These exercises are meant to help you stabilize the muscles surrounding your deep inner core.  Although you may not feel a typical “burn” sensation, you will fatigue the transverse abdominis and pelvic floor muscles in a different way.


  • Table Top - Lie on your back with knees bent, feet hip-width apart and abs drawn in. Flex your foot, bringing your leg to a 90 degree angle while your shin is parallel to the floor.  Keeping your pelvis still, inhale, then exhale as you use your deep abdominal muscles to push your left heel away from your body - keeping your shin parallel to the floor. Scoop out your belly on the exhale - feeling for tension in your linea alba.  Alternate sides doing 5 on each side, working up to 10. (Strengthens the transverse and lower back, supporting your core).

  • Alternate March - Lie on your back with knees bent, feet hip-width apart and ribcage drawn in. Your spine can be in neutral (with space between the mat and your lower back), OR, you can glue your lower back to the floor having no space between your lower back and the mat - this will all depend on how stable your pelvis is.  Whichever position is most comfortable to properly recruit your transverse and pelvic floor is the right choice for you. Flex your foot, pressing your heel into the floor. Keeping your pelvis still and rib cage closed; inhale, then exhale as you engage your deep abdominal muscles to “march” your opposite leg up and down. Scoop out your belly on the exhale - feeling for tension in your linea alba.  Alternate sides doing 5 marches on each side, working up to 10. (Strengthens the transverse and lower back, supporting your core).

  • Legs Together March - Same setup as marching although now glue your legs together to move them as one unit. Inhale to bring your feet towards the floor keeping your rib cage closed.  Now, exhale to scoop out your belly and bring your knees back towards your body.

  • Legs Together Table Top - Same setup as Table Top only now you are sliding your legs (with shins parallel to the floor) as one unit keeping inner thighs glued together.

  • Cat/Cows; Come down to the floor with knees under hips and hands lined up under your shoulders. Inhale to arch your back and release your head and tailbone toward the ceiling letting your belly soften and expand. On the inhale release tension in your pelvic floor (this DOES NOT mean push out on your pelvic floor - this DOES mean let it relax and let all tension release).  Next, exhale to arch your back, scooping out your belly,by tucking your head and tailbone underneath you - have your eyes look for your navel. As tightly as you can, exhale to engage your transverse abdominis (corset muscle) and firmly, but gently lift up on your pelvic floor.

  • Leg Lifts - With both hands planted firmly on the mat, go ahead and extend one leg out straight behind you. Exhale to engage your core and pelvic floor while you lift your leg off the mat until it is in one straight line with your upper body. Inhale to soften your core and pelvic floor and bring your leg back to starting position.

  • Leg Lift with Pulse Up, and to the Midline - Saem set up as Leg Lifts, although now you are doing quick exhales times with each pulse of your leg and arm towards the midline of your body.  

  • Leg Lifts with Alternating Arm - Same set up as Leg Lifts, but now you are adding an arm extension with the opposite leg extension on each exhale.  Inhale to bring everything back to center.

  • Cat/Cows; Come down to the floor with knees under hips and hands lined up under your shoulders. Inhale to arch your back and release your head and tailbone toward the ceiling letting your belly soften and expand. On the inhale release tension in your pelvic floor (this DOES NOT mean push out on your pelvic floor - this DOES mean let it relax and let all tension release).  Next, exhale to arch your back, scooping out your belly,by tucking your head and tailbone underneath you - have your eyes look for your navel. As tightly as you can, exhale to engage your transverse abdominis (corset muscle) and firmly, but gently lift up on your pelvic floor.

After working to strengthen & activate your muscles, it is so important to cool down with your foam roller. This is a powerful tool for two reasons: 1). it re-aligns your bones, and 2). it can release, relax, and re-hydrate the muscles and fascia in your body. Think of rolling over your entire body layer by layer and be gentle with yourself. When you discover tender spots, or experience pain - that’s your signal to back off the pressure.

Cool Down: Foam roll to align your postpartum body video here.



  • Be sure you are eating enough calories according to MyFitnessPal app and balancing your carbs, fat and protein

  • Eat breakfast at your regular time - no fasting

  • Think of a seesaw - naturally your protein and fat will go down again as your complex carbs go back up

  • Enjoy the complex carbohydrates you missed eating on Slim Days.

  • Your ideal plate: 50 % fibrous veggies, 30% protein, 20% fat


OPTIONAL Day 5 - Strong Day (Deep Inner Core Workout for Stability)


IMPORTANT: If you notice your stomach doming, or bulging out, then you must STOP.  If you notice you are holding your breath, you could be harming your pelvic floor.  Proper technique is imperative for strengthening your inner core and not causing more damage.  If at any time you notice your tummy bulging out or you are pushing your pelvic floor outwards (away from your body) then STOP.  These are clear signs you need to practice the proper BAB breath technique before you progress. The best cue you can give yourself is: BLOW (exhale) BEFORE YOU GO!


Warm Up: BAB Warm Up (Inhale/exhale to breathe using imagery for rib cage and pelvic floor expansion and then narrowing again to close).   


Restore Week 1 Workout Video here. (The exercises are explained in detail below for more information, or you can follow along in the video).


These exercises are meant to help you stabilize the muscles surrounding your deep inner core.  Although you may not feel a typical “burn” sensation, you will fatigue the transverse abdominis and pelvic floor muscles in a different way.


  • Table Top - Lie on your back with knees bent, feet hip-width apart and abs drawn in. Flex your foot, bringing your leg to a 90 degree angle while your shin is parallel to the floor.  Keeping your pelvis still, inhale, then exhale as you use your deep abdominal muscles to push your left heel away from your body - keeping your shin parallel to the floor. Scoop out your belly on the exhale - feeling for tension in your linea alba.  Alternate sides doing 5 on each side, working up to 10. (Strengthens the transverse and lower back, supporting your core).

  • Alternate March - Lie on your back with knees bent, feet hip-width apart and ribcage drawn in. Your spine can be in neutral (with space between the mat and your lower back), OR, you can glue your lower back to the floor having no space between your lower back and the mat - this will all depend on how stable your pelvis is.  Whichever position is most comfortable to properly recruit your transverse and pelvic floor is the right choice for you. Flex your foot, pressing your heel into the floor. Keeping your pelvis still and rib cage closed; inhale, then exhale as you engage your deep abdominal muscles to “march” your opposite leg up and down. Scoop out your belly on the exhale - feeling for tension in your linea alba.  Alternate sides doing 5 marches on each side, working up to 10. (Strengthens the transverse and lower back, supporting your core).

  • Legs Together March - Same setup as marching although now glue your legs together to move them as one unit. Inhale to bring your feet towards the floor keeping your rib cage closed.  Now, exhale to scoop out your belly and bring your knees back towards your body.

  • Legs Together Table Top - Same setup as Table Top only now you are sliding your legs (with shins parallel to the floor) as one unit keeping inner thighs glued together.

  • Cat/Cows; Come down to the floor with knees under hips and hands lined up under your shoulders. Inhale to arch your back and release your head and tailbone toward the ceiling letting your belly soften and expand. On the inhale release tension in your pelvic floor (this DOES NOT mean push out on your pelvic floor - this DOES mean let it relax and let all tension release).  Next, exhale to arch your back, scooping out your belly,by tucking your head and tailbone underneath you - have your eyes look for your navel. As tightly as you can, exhale to engage your transverse abdominis (corset muscle) and firmly, but gently lift up on your pelvic floor.

  • Leg Lifts - With both hands planted firmly on the mat, go ahead and extend one leg out straight behind you. Exhale to engage your core and pelvic floor while you lift your leg off the mat until it is in one straight line with your upper body. Inhale to soften your core and pelvic floor and bring your leg back to starting position.

  • Leg Lift with Pulse Up, and to the Midline - Saem set up as Leg Lifts, although now you are doing quick exhales times with each pulse of your leg and arm towards the midline of your body.  

  • Leg Lifts with Alternating Arm - Same set up as Leg Lifts, but now you are adding an arm extension with the opposite leg extension on each exhale.  Inhale to bring everything back to center.

  • Cat/Cows; Come down to the floor with knees under hips and hands lined up under your shoulders. Inhale to arch your back and release your head and tailbone toward the ceiling letting your belly soften and expand. On the inhale release tension in your pelvic floor (this DOES NOT mean push out on your pelvic floor - this DOES mean let it relax and let all tension release).  Next, exhale to arch your back, scooping out your belly,by tucking your head and tailbone underneath you - have your eyes look for your navel. As tightly as you can, exhale to engage your transverse abdominis (corset muscle) and firmly, but gently lift up on your pelvic floor.

After working to strengthen & activate your muscles, it is so important to cool down with your foam roller. This is a powerful tool for two reasons: 1). it re-aligns your bones, and 2). it can release, relax, and re-hydrate the muscles and fascia in your body. Think of rolling over your entire body layer by layer and be gentle with yourself. When you discover tender spots, or experience pain - that’s your signal to back off the pressure.

Cool Down: Foam roll to align your postpartum body video here.



  • Be sure you are eating enough calories according to MyFitnessPal app and try balancing your carbs, fat and protein

  • Eat breakfast at your normal time - no fasting

  • Think of a seesaw - naturally your protein and fat will go down again as your complex carbs go back up

  • Time to enjoy those sweet potatoes, fruit (berries & green apples are best!), or any other complex carbs you missed eating during your Slim Days.

  • Your ideal plate: 50 % fibrous veggies, 30% protein, 20% fat


Day 6 - Rest & Relaxation Day

Take a nap. Give yourself this gift and make it all about you and your snuggly little baby today. Just for fun, see if you can align your body while falling asleep. Yes! Sleeping is a great place to think about your alignment because your muscles are relaxed and your bones can stack so easily with comfy pillows.

Lay on your side, one arm bent at the elbow placed under your head, hips stacked, knees bent slightly towards your abdomen. Place a pillow between your knees to keep your hips aligned. Visualize the three curves of your spine and your neutral pelvis. You can even have alignment when you lay down; a simple time to build the muscle memory when your body is fully relaxed.

 Day 7 - Self Care Sunday


Self care is so important for lowering cortisol levels and releasing stored belly fat.  Did you know that sleep is more important than anything else a new mom can be doing to take care of her postpartum body? Yes! Start loading up whenever you can because one study shows new moms will lose 700 hours of sleep in their first year - that’s 2 hours a night!

The best thing you can do to protect your sleep routine is simple. Turn off phones, computers and TVs two hours before you want to be asleep. That’s it - get that blue light away from your eyes.

Good Job, Moms! You made it through Week 1 and you are starting to get the hang of the BAB RESTORE program.