Day 1 - Slim Day (Cardio)
Walking outside for 40-50 minutes. Engage your glutes and turn on your transverse abdominis (corset muscle). Walking is a powerful tool for healing the body (lots of muscles working) and great circulation for getting oxygenated blood flow to the tissues that need repairing. This movement helps to flush postpartum fluids from your body but most importantly, your body will find its new center of gravity after pregnancy - your body’s alignment will thank you! When you find neutral pelvis and spine - your pelvic floor will also thank you!
Do 3 sets of 10 BAB Twists for Pelvic Health (Video Demonstration below) using imagery techniques to picture your pelvic floor lengthening, softening, and relaxing on the low squat. Too often, we walk around with a tightened pelvic floor and it’s time to get comfortable with full relaxation. Our BAB breath teaches us to gently but effectively pull up on our pelvic floor to add support and strength to this area. But now, you will be sitting in a low squat letting your pelvic floor lengthen, soften and relax. The twisting is great for gauging how strongly you can engage your core while relaxing your pelvic floor.
When you have a moment - sit in a BAB Butterfly stretch pose to bring bloodflow to your pelvic floor and also fully relax and support these muscles that work so hard. Video demonstration below.
Do 3 sets of BAB jumping jacks, video demonstration below. This technique is great to gauge the strength and support of your contraction in the pelvic floor. You will be relaxing your pelvic floor on the inhale as legs spread wide, and exhale to engage your pelvic floor as your legs come together. Once you’ve mastered this technique, challenge your brain to teach your body to do the opposite - which is, inhale to relax your pelvic floor while your legs are together & arms are extended, and then exhale to support and engage your pelvic floor when your legs are spread wide.
You will know right away if this movement feels right for your body. If you aren’t leaking urine, then your body is moving in the right direction. If it is leaking, there is nothing wrong - this is typical for most postpartum women of all different stages. You should, however, walk through this exercise and take out the jumping component. Continue to practice the BAB breath and work on relaxing your pelvic floor with foam rolling and visualization.
The BAB breath teaches us to engage our pelvic floor effectively. But, just as important, we need to bring length, softening and relaxation to the pelvic floor by foam rolling.
You are training your pelvic floor to fire on command. This is a skill that takes practice, All of the BAB exercises combined with rebuilding the brain-body connection will pay off as your pelvic floor will begin to fire on its own (when needed) like it did before you were ever pregnant. For now, you will need to consciously brace your pelvic floor with your BAB breath exhale before you sneeze, laugh, jump, and lift weights, in order to help displace the pressure from your pelvic floor. But, one day, this connection will be so ingrained again in your brain-body, that the pelvic floor will be able to respond appropriately, even when you don’t consciously brace for the support you need with your BAB exhale. That’s a beautiful thing! Your older, wiser, more mature, menopausal-future-self will thank you for all the hard work you are doing today!
BAB Twists for Pelvic Health Video here.
BAB Butterfly Stretch Video here.
Cool Down: Foam Roll to massage your full body. Also foam roll to wake up your pelvic floor and release tension in your jaw.
Foam Roll Full Body Video here.
Foam Roll Pelvic Floor & Jaw Tension Release Video here.
Your goal is to eat fewer than 100 grams of net carbs on this day. Total carbs minus fiber = net carbs.
Shorten your eating window to 8 hours
Avoid fruits and starchy carbs (root veggies, grains)
Eat protein at each meal
Track your food in MyFitnessPal - you want to make sure you are eating enough protein. Remember, there is more protein in broccoli than there is in steak.
Eat lots of leafy and cruciferous vegetables
Eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full
Get excited about Slim Days because you will feel amazing
Day 2 - Slim Day (Cardio)
Walking outside for 40-50 minutes. Engage your glutes and turn on your transverse abdominis (corset muscle). Walking is a powerful tool for healing the body (lots of muscles working) and great circulation for getting oxygenated blood flow to the tissues that need repairing. This movement helps to flush postpartum fluids from your body but most importantly, your body will find its new center of gravity after pregnancy - your body’s alignment will thank you! When you find neutral pelvis and spine - your pelvic floor will thank you too!
Do 3 sets of 10 BAB Twists for Pelvic Health (Video Demonstration below) using imagery techniques to picture your pelvic floor lengthening, softening, and relaxing on the low squat. Too often, we walk around with a tightened pelvic floor and it’s time to get comfortable with full relaxation. Our BAB breath teaches us to gently but effectively pull up on our pelvic floor to add support and strength to this area. But now, you will be sitting in a low squat letting your pelvic floor lengthen, soften and relax. The twisting is great for gauging how strongly you can engage your core while relaxing your pelvic floor.
When you have a moment - sit in a BAB Butterfly stretch pose to bring bloodflow to your pelvic floor and also fully relax and support these muscles that work so hard. Video demonstration below.
Do 3 sets of BAB jumping jacks, video demonstration below. This technique is great to gauge the strength and support of your contraction in the pelvic floor. You will be relaxing your pelvic floor on the inhale as legs spread wide, and exhale to engage your pelvic floor as your legs come together. Once you’ve mastered this technique, challenge your brain to teach your body to do the opposite - which is, inhale to relax your pelvic floor while your legs are together & arms are extended, and then exhale to support and engage your pelvic floor when your legs are spread wide.
You will know right away if this movement feels right for your body. If you aren’t leaking urine, then your body is moving in the right direction. If it is leaking, there is nothing wrong - this is typical for most postpartum women of all different stages. You should, however, walk through this exercise and take out the jumping component. Continue to practice the BAB breath and work on relaxing your pelvic floor with foam rolling and visualization.
The BAB breath teaches us to engage our pelvic floor effectively. But, just as important, we need to bring length, softening and relaxation to the pelvic floor by foam rolling.
You are training your pelvic floor to fire on command. This is a skill that takes practice, All of the BAB exercises combined with rebuilding the brain-body connection will pay off as your pelvic floor will begin to fire on its own (when needed) like it did before you were ever pregnant. For now, you will need to consciously brace your pelvic floor with your BAB breath exhale before you sneeze, laugh, jump, and lift weights, in order to help displace the pressure from your pelvic floor. But, one day, this connection will be so ingrained again in your brain-body, that the pelvic floor will be able to respond appropriately, even when you don’t consciously brace for the support you need with your BAB exhale. That’s a beautiful thing! Your older, wiser, more mature, menopausal-future-self will thank you for all the hard work you are doing today!
BAB Twists For Pelvic Health Video here.
BAB Butterfly Stretch Video here.
Cool Down: Foam Roll to massage your full body. Also foam roll to wake up your pelvic floor and release tension in your jaw.
Foam Roll Full Body video here.
Foam Roll Pelvic Floor & Jaw Tension Release Video here.
Your goal is to eat fewer than 100 grams of net carbs on this day. Total carbs minus fiber = net carbs.
Shorten your eating window to 8 hours
Avoid fruits and starchy carbs (root veggies, grains)
Eat protein at each meal
Track your food in MyFitnessPal - you want to make sure you are eating enough protein. Remember, there is more protein in broccoli than there is in steak.
Eat lots of leafy and cruciferous vegetables
Eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full
Get excited about Slim Days because you will feel amazing
Day 3 - Strong Day (Deep Inner Core Workout for Stability)
IMPORTANT: If you notice your stomach doming, or bulging out, then you must STOP. If you notice you are holding your breath, you could be harming your pelvic floor. Proper technique is imperative for strengthening your inner core and not causing more damage. If at any time you notice your tummy bulging out or you are pushing your pelvic floor outwards (away from your body) then STOP. These are clear signs you need to practice the proper BAB breath technique before you progress. The best cue you can give yourself is: BLOW (exhale) BEFORE YOU GO!
Warm Up: BAB Warm Up Video here.
BAB Add-on for Glutes Video here,
(These videos are the same as the ones located in “Restore Week 4 Workout” tab in the portal). Remember: Strong glutes equal a strong pelvic floor!
Restore Week 4 CORE Workout Video here.
Restore Week 4 CORE Workout Part II Video here.
You will want to do both of these short videos on each Strong Day this week. (The exercises are explained in detail below for more information, or you can follow along in the videos located in the “Restore Week 4 Workout” Tab in the portal).
Use a small playground ball or rolled-up towel to get deeper into your core work. When you engage your inner thighs (which are connected to your pelvic floor) by squeezing on the ball, you make the BAB exercises even more effective.
These exercises are meant to help you stabilize the muscles surrounding your deep inner core. Although you may not feel a typical “burn” sensation, you will fatigue the transverse abdominis and pelvic floor muscles in a different way.
Ball Squeeze - Lay down on the floor with both legs straight out in front of you. Relax your body on to the mat being sure to leave space in your lumbar spine. Hold the ball in your hands and time your BAB breath while squeezing on the ball. Inhale to soften your core and relax your pelvic floor while releasing your squeeze on the ball. Exhale to squeeze on the ball and engage your core and pelvic floor - really scooping our the front of your abdominals (making room for the diastasis to close. Repeat.
Inner Thigh Ball Squeeze - Place your feet flat on the floor, knees bent. Relax your upper body into the mat. Place the ball between your inner thighs and tiem the squeeze of the ball with your BAB breath. Inhale to soften your core and pelvic floor as you release the squeeze on the ball. Exhale to squeeze on the ball, engaging your core and pelvic floor as you cinch in your corset muscle, wrapping it tighter around your body. Really scoop out the front of your belly as much as you can as you exhale all your breath. Repeat.
Pelvic Tilt With Ball - Drive your weight through your heels as you lift your hips off the floor and exhale to scoop out your belly and engage your transverse abdominis and lift up your pelvic floor. Inhale to set your pelvis back down on the floor. Picture shortening the distance between the bottom of your rib cage and bony parts of your hip bones. Repeat.
Pelvic Tilt with Upper Body Crunch - Place your hands on either side of your rectus abdominis and gently, but firmly guide your muscles back towards the midline of your body. On the exhale, lift your head, neck, and shoulders off the mat as you simultaneously lift your pelvis off the floor. Inhale to relax everything back down onto the mat. Exhale again, scooping out your belly as much as you can, and curl your upper body towards your lower body as you guide your rectus abdominus closed with your hands. Imagine on each crunch of your upper body, that you are training your 6-pack muscle to fire correctly (as a part of the entire core canister that fires correctly on an exhale/inhale). Mentally picturing your rectus abdominus closing, with hands actually guiding the work, will have profound effects on closing your diastasis.
Table Top Ball Squeeze - Repeat the entire series above except this time, keep your legs in a table top position.
Leg Extension with Ball - Repeat the entire series above except this time, keep your legs fully extended to the ceiling.
Ball Squeeze on Stomach - Roll over onto your stomach with arms and legs extended. Place the ball between your hands and try to time the movement of your BAB breath with the squeezing of the ball. Inhale (release tension on the ball) to soften your belly into the mat underneath you and relax your pelvic floor. Exhale to squeeze on the ball and tighten your corset muscle, wrapping it tighter around your body, at the same time. Imagine that you are tightening your corset so strongly that you are able to pull your belly button up off the mat underneath you. If you are unable to draw your corset muscle in this tightly to bring it off the mat, then just imagine you are doing so on each exhale. Also, your upper body is lifted up off the mat and you will feel engagement in your lower back muscles. When this breath is mastered - it is a terrific way to work your transverse and pelvic floor.
Arm Extension Addon - Set up the same as above but now extend your arms straight in front of you. On the exhale, add a tiny lift of your arms coupled with a tiny lower back lift.
Ball Taps - Set up the same as above. On each exhale, tap the ball behind you while you engage your transverse and pull up firmly, but gently on your pelvic floor. Squeeze your glutes to stabilize your lower back.
Inner Thigh Ball Squeeze - Place the ball between your inner thighs and point your toes. Extend your arms long in front of you. Keep a constant squeeze on the ball and exhale to lift your arms and legs off the mat. The muscles in your lower back should be firing with each exhale. You should also be imagining your belly button drawing up and off the mat beneath you on each exhale. Go for length more than height during this exercise.
Midline Ball Squeeze - Keep your arms and legs extended and lifted off the ground. Exhale quickly to engage your full body and make tiny squeezes on the ball at the same time you are squeezing your arms toward the midline of your body.
Restore Week 4 CORE WOrKOUT Video PART II
Side Lying Plank with Leg Sweeps & Tiny Pulses - Come down to the mat in a side-lying plank position. Keep one knee underneath you for added support. One hand will be on the mat positioned under your shoulder, while the other hand will be holding the ball on your hip. Keeping your core engaged the entire time - really cinch in that waistline - begin to sweep your leg, toe pointed, back and forth along the mat. You should feel engagement on the side of your body that is closest to the mat. The work should stem from this area of your body. Even though your leg is moving, try to bring this work back to your core. Imagine your core is responsible for your leg propelling backward and forward. On the last one, keep your body stable and do tiny lifts to the ceiling to finish.
Side Lying Plank with Ball - Come down to the mat in a side-lying plank position. Keep one knee underneath you for added support. One hand will be positioned under your shoulder, and the other hand will be holding the ball on your hip. Begin to lift your hip out and up off the mat in the direction of the ceiling. You should feel engagement on the side of your body that is closest to the mat. The work should stem from this area of your body. On each exhale, engage your BAB breath as you are lifting towards the ceiling. Stay strong in your shoulder joint - this area has a tendency to tire before the side body gives out.
Side Lying Plank with Ball - Same set up as above. Place the ball in between your inner thighs. Squeeze on the ball and lift your hips the full range of motion up and down. Finish with tiny lifts up - keeping your core engaged the whole time.
Side Lying Plank Push Up - Bend and stretch your elbow that is connected to the hand that is on the mat. Keep your body stable and core engaged the whole time you bend and stretch.
Cool Down: Foam roll to balance full body. Foam roll to wake up the pelvic floor and release tension in your jaw.
Foam Roll Full Body Video here.
Foam Roll Pelvic Floor & Release Jaw Tension Video here.
Be sure you are eating enough calories according to MyFitnessPal app and balancing your carbs, fat and protein
Shorten your eating window to 8 hours
Your ideal plate: 50 % fibrous veggies, 30% protein, 20% fat
Day 4 - Strong Day (Deep Inner Core Workout for Stability)
IMPORTANT: If you notice your stomach doming, or bulging out, then you must STOP. If you notice you are holding your breath, you could be harming your pelvic floor. Proper technique is imperative for strengthening your inner core and not causing more damage. If at any time you notice your tummy bulging out or you are pushing your pelvic floor outwards (away from your body) then STOP. These are clear signs you need to practice the proper BAB breath technique before you progress. The best cue you can give yourself is: BLOW (exhale) BEFORE YOU GO!
Warm Up: BAB Warm Up Video here.
Warm Up Glute Add-on Video here.
(These videos are the same Warm Up & Warm Up Glute Addon Videos located in “Restore Week 4 Workout” Tab in the portal). Remember: Strong glutes equal a strong pelvic floor!
Restore Week 4 CORE Workout Video here.
Restore Week 4 CORE Workout Part II Video here.
You will want to do both of these short videos on each of your Strong Days this week. (The exercises are explained in detail below for more information, or you can follow along with the videos located in the “Restore Week 4 Workout” Tab in the portal).
Use a small playground ball or rolled-up towel to get deeper into your core work. When you engage your inner thighs (which are connected to your pelvic floor) by squeezing on the ball, you make the BAB exercises even more effective.
These exercises are meant to help you stabilize the muscles surrounding your deep inner core. Although you may not feel a typical “burn” sensation, you will fatigue the transverse abdominis and pelvic floor muscles in a different way.
Ball Squeeze - Lay down on the floor with both legs straight out in front of you. Relax your body on to the mat being sure to leave space in your lumbar spine. Hold the ball in your hands and time your BAB breath while squeezing on the ball. Inhale to soften your core and relax your pelvic floor while releasing your squeeze on the ball. Exhale to squeeze on the ball and engage your core and pelvic floor - really scooping our the front of your abdominals (making room for the diastasis to close. Repeat.
Inner Thigh Ball Squeeze - Place your feet flat on the floor, knees bent. Relax your upper body into the mat. Place the ball between your inner thighs and tiem the squeeze of the ball with your BAB breath. Inhale to soften your core and pelvic floor as you release the squeeze on the ball. Exhale to squeeze on the ball, engaging your core and pelvic floor as you cinch in your corset muscle, wrapping it tighter around your body. Really scoop out the front of your belly as much as you can as you exhale all your breath. Repeat.
Pelvic Tilt With Ball - Drive your weight through your heels as you lift your hips off the floor and exhale to scoop out your belly and engage your transverse abdominis and lift up your pelvic floor. Inhale to set your pelvis back down on the floor. Picture shortening the distance between the bottom of your rib cage and bony parts of your hip bones. Repeat.
Pelvic Tilt with Upper Body Crunch - Place your hands on either side of your rectus abdominis and gently, but firmly guide your muscles back towards the midline of your body. On the exhale, lift your head, neck, and shoulders off the mat as you simultaneously lift your pelvis off the floor. Inhale to relax everything back down onto the mat. Exhale again, scooping out your belly as much as you can, and curl your upper body towards your lower body as you guide your rectus abdominus closed with your hands. Imagine on each crunch of your upper body, that you are training your 6-pack muscle to fire correctly (as a part of the entire core canister that fires correctly on an exhale/inhale). Mentally picturing your rectus abdominus closing, with hands actually guiding the work, will have profound effects on closing your diastasis.
Table Top Ball Squeeze - Repeat the entire series above except this time, keep your legs in a table top position.
Leg Extension with Ball - Repeat the entire series above except this time, keep your legs fully extended to the ceiling.
Ball Squeeze on Stomach - Roll over onto your stomach with arms and legs extended. Place the ball between your hands and try to time the movement of your BAB breath with the squeezing of the ball. Inhale (release tension on the ball) to soften your belly into the mat underneath you and relax your pelvic floor. Exhale to squeeze on the ball and tighten your corset muscle, wrapping it tighter around your body, at the same time. Imagine that you are tightening your corset so strongly that you are able to pull your belly button up off the mat underneath you. If you are unable to draw your corset muscle in this tightly to bring it off the mat, then just imagine you are doing so on each exhale. Also, your upper body is lifted up off the mat and you will feel engagement in your lower back muscles. When this breath is mastered - it is a terrific way to work your transverse and pelvic floor.
Arm Extension Addon - Set up the same as above but now extend your arms straight in front of you. On the exhale, add a tiny lift of your arms coupled with a tiny lower back lift.
Ball Taps - Set up the same as above. On each exhale, tap the ball behind you while you engage your transverse and pull up firmly, but gently on your pelvic floor. Squeeze your glutes to stabilize your lower back.
Inner Thigh Ball Squeeze - Place the ball between your inner thighs and point your toes. Extend your arms long in front of you. Keep a constant squeeze on the ball and exhale to lift your arms and legs off the mat. The muscles in your lower back should be firing with each exhale. You should also be imagining your belly button drawing up and off the mat beneath you on each exhale. Go for length more than height during this exercise.
Midline Ball Squeeze - Keep your arms and legs extended and lifted off the ground. Exhale quickly to engage your full body and make tiny squeezes on the ball at the same time you are squeezing your arms toward the midline of your body.
Side Lying Plank with Leg Sweeps & Tiny Pulses - Come down to the mat in a side-lying plank position. Keep one knee underneath you for added support. One hand will be on the mat positioned under your shoulder, while the other hand will be holding the ball on your hip. Keeping your core engaged the entire time - really cinch in that waistline - begin to sweep your leg, toe pointed, back and forth along the mat. You should feel engagement on the side of your body that is closest to the mat. The work should stem from this area of your body. Even though your leg is moving, try to bring this work back to your core. Imagine your core is responsible for your leg propelling backward and forward. On the last one, keep your body stable and do tiny lifts to the ceiling to finish.
Side Lying Plank with Ball - Come down to the mat in a side-lying plank position. Keep one knee underneath you for added support. One hand will be positioned under your shoulder, and the other hand will be holding the ball on your hip. Begin to lift your hip out and up off the mat in the direction of the ceiling. You should feel engagement on the side of your body that is closest to the mat. The work should stem from this area of your body. On each exhale, engage your BAB breath as you are lifting towards the ceiling. Stay strong in your shoulder joint - this area has a tendency to tire before the side body gives out.
Side Lying Plank with Ball - Same set up as above. Place the ball in between your inner thighs. Squeeze on the ball and lift your hips the full range of motion up and down. Finish with tiny lifts up - keeping your core engaged the whole time.
Side Lying Plank Push Up - Bend and stretch your elbow that is connected to the hand that is on the mat. Keep your body stable and core engaged the whole time you bend and stretch.
Cool Down: Foam roll to balance full body. Foam roll to wake up the pelvic floor and release tension in your jaw.
Foam Roll Full Body Video here.
Foam Roll Pelvic Floor & Release Jaw Tension Video here.
Be sure you are eating enough calories according to MyFitnessPal app and balancing your carbs, fat and protein
Shorten your eating window to 8 hours
Your ideal plate: 50 % fibrous veggies, 30% protein, 20% fat
Day 5 - Strong Day (Deep Inner Core Workout for Stability)
IMPORTANT: If you notice your stomach doming, or bulging out, then you must STOP. If you notice you are holding your breath, you could be harming your pelvic floor. Proper technique is imperative for strengthening your inner core and not causing more damage. If at any time you notice your tummy bulging out or you are pushing your pelvic floor outwards (away from your body) then STOP. These are clear signs you need to practice the proper BAB breath technique before you progress. The best cue you can give yourself is: BLOW (exhale) BEFORE YOU GO!
Warm Up: BAB Warm Up Workout Video here.
Warm Up Glute Add-on Video here.
(These are the same Warm Up & Warm Up Glute Addon Video as the ones located in “Restore Week 4 Workout” tab in the portal). Remember: Strong glutes equals a strong pelvic floor!
Restore Week 4 CORE Workout Video Part I here.
Restore Week 4 CORE Workout Part II here.
You will want to do both of these short videos on each Strong Day this week. (The exercises are explained in detail below for more information, or you can follow along in the videos located in the “Restore Week 4 Workout” Tab in the portal).
Use a small playground ball or rolled-up towel to get deeper into your core work. When you engage your inner thighs (which are connected to your pelvic floor) by squeezing on the ball, you make the BAB exercises even more effective.
These exercises are meant to help you stabilize the muscles surrounding your deep inner core. Although you may not feel a typical “burn” sensation, you will fatigue the transverse abdominis and pelvic floor muscles in a different way.
Ball Squeeze - Lay down on the floor with both legs straight out in front of you. Relax your body on to the mat being sure to leave space in your lumbar spine. Hold the ball in your hands and time your BAB breath while squeezing on the ball. Inhale to soften your core and relax your pelvic floor while releasing your squeeze on the ball. Exhale to squeeze on the ball and engage your core and pelvic floor - really scooping our the front of your abdominal wall (making room for the diastasis to close. Repeat.
Inner Thigh Ball Squeeze - Place your feet flat on the floor, knees bent. Relax your upper body into the mat. Place the ball between your inner thighs and tiem the squeeze of the ball with your BAB breath. Inhale to soften your core and pelvic floor as you release the squeeze on the ball. Exhale to squeeze on the ball, engaging your core and pelvic floor as you cinch in your corset muscle, wrapping it tighter around your body. Really scoop out the front of your belly as much as you can as you exhale all your breath. Repeat.
Pelvic Tilt With Ball - Drive your weight through your heels as you lift your hips off the floor and exhale to scoop out your belly and engage your transverse abdominis and lift up your pelvic floor. Inhale to set your pelvis back down on the floor. Picture shortening the distance between the bottom of your rib cage and bony parts of your hip bones. Repeat.
Pelvic Tilt with Upper Body Crunch - Place your hands on either side of your rectus abdominis and gently, but firmly guide your muscles back towards the midline of your body. On the exhale, lift your head, neck, and shoulders off the mat as you simultaneously lift your pelvis off the floor. Inhale to relax everything back down onto the mat. Exhale again, scooping out your belly as much as you can, and curl your upper body towards your lower body as you guide your rectus abdominus closed with your hands. Imagine on each crunch of your upper body, that you are training your 6-pack muscle to fire correctly (as a part of the entire core canister that fires correctly on an exhale/inhale). Mentally picturing your rectus abdominus closing, with hands actually guiding the work, will have profound effects on closing your diastasis.
Table Top Ball Squeeze - Repeat the entire series above except this time, keep your legs in a table top position.
Leg Extension with Ball - Repeat the entire series above except this time, keep your legs fully extended to the ceiling.
Ball Squeeze on Stomach - Roll over onto your stomach with arms and legs extended. Place the ball between your hands and try to time the movement of your BAB breath with the squeezing of the ball. Inhale (release tension on the ball) to soften your belly into the mat underneath you and relax your pelvic floor. Exhale to squeeze on the ball and tighten your corset muscle, wrapping it tighter around your body, at the same time. Imagine that you are tightening your corset so strongly that you are able to pull your belly button up off the mat underneath you. If you are unable to draw your corset muscle in this tightly to bring it off the mat, then just imagine you are doing so on each exhale. Also, your upper body is lifted up off the mat and you will feel engagement in your lower back muscles. When this breath is mastered - it is a terrific way to work your transverse and pelvic floor.
Arm Extension Addon - Set up the same as above but now extend your arms straight in front of you. On the exhale, add a tiny lift of your arms coupled with a tiny lower back lift.
Ball Taps - Set up the same as above. On each exhale, tap the ball behind you while you engage your transverse and pull up firmly, but gently on your pelvic floor. Squeeze your glutes to stabilize your lower back.
Inner Thigh Ball Squeeze - Place the ball between your inner thighs and point your toes. Extend your arms long in front of you. Keep a constant squeeze on the ball and exhale to lift your arms and legs off the mat. The muscles in your lower back should be firing with each exhale. You should also be imagining your belly button drawing up and off the mat beneath you on each exhale. Go for length more than height during this exercise.
Midline Ball Squeeze - Keep your arms and legs extended and lifted off the ground. Exhale quickly to engage your full body and make tiny squeezes on the ball at the same time you are squeezing your arms toward the midline of your body.
Side Lying Plank with Leg Sweeps & Tiny Pulses - Come down to the mat in a side-lying plank position. Keep one knee underneath you for added support. One hand will be on the mat positioned under your shoulder, while the other hand will be holding the ball on your hip. Keeping your core engaged the entire time - really cinch in that waistline - begin to sweep your leg, toe pointed, back and forth along the mat. You should feel engagement on the side of your body that is closest to the mat. The work should stem from this area of your body. Even though your leg is moving, try to bring this work back to your core. Imagine your core is responsible for your leg propelling backward and forward. On the last one, keep your body stable and do tiny lifts to the ceiling to finish.
Side Lying Plank with Ball - Come down to the mat in a side-lying plank position. Keep one knee underneath you for added support. One hand will be positioned under your shoulder, and the other hand will be holding the ball on your hip. Begin to lift your hip out and up off the mat in the direction of the ceiling. You should feel engagement on the side of your body that is closest to the mat. The work should stem from this area of your body. On each exhale, engage your BAB breath as you are lifting towards the ceiling. Stay strong in your shoulder joint - this area has a tendency to tire before the side body gives out.
Side Lying Plank with Ball - Same set up as above. Place the ball in between your inner thighs. Squeeze on the ball and lift your hips the full range of motion up and down. Finish with tiny lifts up - keeping your core engaged the whole time.
Side Lying Plank Push Up - Bend and stretch your elbow that is connected to the hand that is on the mat. Keep your body stable and core engaged the whole time you bend and stretch.
Cool Down: Foam roll for full body. Foam roll to wake up your pelvic floor and release tension in your jaw.
Foam Roll for Full Body Video here.
Foam Roll for Pelvic Floor Release Jaw Tension Video here.
Be sure you are eating enough calories according to MyFitnessPal app and balancing your carbs, fat and protein
Shorten your eating window to 8 hours
Your ideal plate: 50 % fibrous veggies, 30% protein, 20% fat
Day 6 - Sporty Day
Spend 15 minutes outside without sunscreen. We are the only culture that doesn’t worship the sun. Instead we hide from it by slathering chemicals on our skin because we’ve been told it “ages” us. The benefits of vitamin D will far outweigh the effects of the damaging rays of the sun. Enjoy the sun the way we are meant to!
Day 7 - Self Care Sunday
Stop sitting on your tailbone! See if you can consciously go one day without tucking your tailbone underneath you and keep from slouching into your furniture.
The way our car seats are designed aren’t ergonomically correct. Challenge yourself to sit with your tailbone untucked and return the curve to your lower spine while bringing your shoulder blades down and back away from your ears.
These litte tips go a long way to strengthen your pelvic floor! Your postpartum core is getting stronger every day!