Day 1 - Slim Day (Cardio)
Walking outside for 40-50 minutes. Engage your glutes and turn on your transverse abdominis (corset muscle). Walking is a powerful tool for healing the body (lots of muscles working) and great circulation for getting oxygenated blood flow to the tissues that need repairing. Be sure to stack the bony parts of your rib cage over the bony parts of your pelvis - your diastasis recti will thank you! This stacking of your body puts less pressure on the front of your body.
Do 3 sets of 10 BAB Sit Ups For Diastasis Recti using imagery techniques to picture your rectus abdominus muscles coming back together again. Start by laying on the ground with legs bent, feet flat on the mat. Place your hands on either side of your rectus abdominus to manually guide your muscles back toward your midline. On the exhale, lift your head, neck and shoulders off the mat to scoop out that belly and bring strength to the DR. Gently lower back to ground.
BAB Sit Ups for Diastasis Recti Video here.
Cool Down: Foam Roll to massage your full body. Also foam roll to heal a diastasis recti and release tension around your waistline.
Foam Roll Full Body video here.
Roam Roll Diastasis Recti video here.
Your goal is to eat fewer than 100 grams of net carbs on this day. Total carbs minus fiber = net carbs.
Shorten your eating window to 8 hours
Avoid fruits and starchy carbs (root veggies, grains)
Eat protein at each meal
Track your food in MyFitnessPal - you want to make sure you are eating enough protein. Remember, there is more protein in broccoli than there is in steak.
Eat lots of leafy and cruciferous vegetables
Eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full
Get excited about Slim Days because you will feel amazing
Day 2 - Slim Day (Cardio)
Walking outside for 40-50 minutes. Engage your glutes and turn on your transverse abdominis (corset muscle). Walking is a powerful tool for healing the body (lots of muscles working) and great circulation for getting oxygenated blood flow to the tissues that need repairing. Be sure to stack the bony parts of your rib cage over the bony parts of your pelvis - your diastasis recti will thank you! This stacking of your body puts less pressure on the front of your body.
Do 3 sets of 10 BAB Sit Ups For Diastasis Recti using imagery techniques to picture your rectus abdominus muscles coming back together again. Start by laying on the ground with legs bent, feet flat on the mat. Place your hands on either side of your rectus abdominus to manually guide your muscles back toward your midline. On the exhale, lift your head, neck and shoulders off the mat to scoop out that belly and bring strength to the DR. Gently lower back to ground.
BAB Sit Ups for Diastasis Recti Video here.
Cool Down: Foam Roll to massage your full body. Also foam roll to heal a diastasis recti.
Foam Roll Full Body video here.
Roam Roll Diastasis Recti video here.
Your goal is to eat fewer than 100 grams of net carbs on this day. Total carbs minus fiber = net carbs.
Shorten your eating window to 8 hours
Avoid fruits and starchy carbs (root veggies, grains)
Eat protein at each meal
Track your food in MyFitnessPal - you want to make sure you are eating enough protein. Remember, there is more protein in broccoli than there is in steak.
Eat lots of leafy and cruciferous vegetables
Eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full
Get excited about Slim Days because you will feel amazing
Day 3 - Strong Day (Deep Inner Core Workout for Stability)
IMPORTANT: If you notice your stomach doming, or bulging out, then you must STOP. If you notice you are holding your breath, you could be harming your pelvic floor. Proper technique is imperative for strengthening your inner core and not causing more damage. If at any time you notice your tummy bulging out or you are pushing your pelvic floor outwards (away from your body) then STOP. These are clear signs you need to practice the proper BAB breath technique before you progress. The best cue you can give yourself is: BLOW (exhale) BEFORE YOU GO!
Now that we are in Week 3, you can consider using 2-3 lb. weights during the warm up if you are so inclined.
Warm Up: BAB Warm Up & BAB Thighs Addon Video (These videos are the same as the ones located in “Restore Week 3 Workout” tab in the portal). Remember: Inhale/exhale to breathe using imagery for rib cage and pelvic floor expansion and then narrowing again to close.
Restore Week 3 Workout Video here. (The exercises are explained in detail below for more information, or you can follow along in the video located in the “Restore Week 3 Workout” Tab in the portal).
These exercises are meant to help you stabilize the muscles surrounding your deep inner core. Although you may not feel a typical “burn” sensation, you will fatigue the transverse abdominis and pelvic floor muscles in a different way.
Pelvic Tilts - Lay down on the floor, legs bent, feet flat on floor. Drive your weight through your heels as you lift your hips off the floor and exhale to scoop out your belly and engage your transverse abdominis and lift up your pelvic floor. Inhale to set your pelvis back down on the floor. Repeat.
Heel Kicks - Lay down on floor, legs bent, feet flat on the mat. On the inhale, flex your foot and kick your leg straight towards the back wall, staying just high enough above the mat to control the movement with your core. Exhale to bring your leg back to starting position. Alternate.
Alternate March Legs Apart - Lay down on the mat and bring your legs to a table top position keeping space between your legs. On the inhale, drop your leg a few inches above the floor, keeping your pelvis stable, and exhale to return it to the starting position. Keep your ribs from flaring out and your lower back glued to the floor as you move through these exercises. You don’t need to move far to make this exercise effective.
Legs Together - Same exercise as above but now glue your inner thighs together. Keep pelvis stable, rib cage knit together (not flaring) , and inhale to bring legs toward the mat, and exhale to scoop your belly and bring legs back to starting position.
Quick-Step March - Same exercise as above but now you are breathing quickly and keeping your core engaged the entire time. The trick is to keep tension in your core while inhaling and exhaling and keeping your pelvis stable.
Table Top Full Extension - Keep legs in a table top position and inhale to extend one leg completely straight, heel is flexed, and exhale to bring leg back to starting position. Alternate.
Legs Together - Same exercise as above but now glue your inner thighs together. Keep pelvis stable, rib cage knit together (not flaring) , and inhale to bring legs toward the mat, and exhale to scoop your belly and bring legs back to starting position.
Floor Kick-Backs - Come down to the ground on all fours positioned in the center of the mat. Inhale to soften your core, stay strong in the shoulders. Exhale to extend your leg straight behind you feeling the work in your glute muscle, keeping your hips square and your pelvis slightly tucked. Inhale to bring it back to center. Toes are pointed. Alternate.
Hamstring Curls - Extend one leg straight with foot flexed. Exhale to curl your calf towards your bum and exhale to straighten. Keep your waistline pulled in. (It has a tendency to fall towards the floor). Keep it engaged and wrapped around your body.
Hamstring Pulse to Midline - Same exercise as above except now you keep your leg curled and pulse to midline of your body. Try to imagine that one side of your bum is kissing the other side of your bum. You are trying to fire up the inside corner of your seat muscle. Repeat the glute series on other side.
Fire Hydrants - Come onto all fours and keep your leg in a 90 degree angle lifting it to the side of your body. Exhale to lift the leg and inhale to bring it back to the starting position. Stay strong in your shoulders and let your hip open as you lift your leg up.
Fire Hydrant Circles - Now hold your leg up at the top of the lift and try to imagine tracing circles with your knee cap (roughly the size of a tennis ball). Repeat on the other side.
Cat/Cows - Come down to all fours and inhale to look to the sky and release your tailbone upwards. Exhale to tuck your tailbone underneath you and tuck your chin looking for your navel. Scooping out your core on the exhale.
Cool Down: Foam roll to balance full body. Foam roll to heal a diastasis recti and release tension around your waistline.
Foam Roll Full Body Video here.
Foam Roll Diastasis Video here.
Be sure you are eating enough calories according to MyFitnessPal app and balancing your carbs, fat and protein
Shorten your eating window to 8 hours
Your ideal plate: 50 % fibrous veggies, 30% protein, 20% fat
Day 4 - Strong Day (Deep Inner Core Workout for Stability)
IMPORTANT: If you notice your stomach doming, or bulging out, then you must STOP. If you notice you are holding your breath, you could be harming your pelvic floor. Proper technique is imperative for strengthening your inner core and not causing more damage. If at any time you notice your tummy bulging out or you are pushing your pelvic floor outwards (away from your body) then STOP. These are clear signs you need to practice the proper BAB breath technique before you progress. The best cue you can give yourself is: BLOW (exhale) BEFORE YOU GO!
Now that we are in Week 3 you can consider using 2-3 lb. weights during the warm up if you are so inclined.
Warm Up: BAB Warm Up & Warm Up Thighs Addon Video here. (These videos are the same Warm Up & Warm Up Glute Addon Videos located in “Restore Week 3 Workout” Tab in the portal). Remember: Inhale/exhale to breathe using imagery for rib cage and pelvic floor expansion and then narrowing again to close.
Restore Week 3 Workout Video here. (The exercises are explained in detail below for more information, or you can follow along with the video located in the “Restore Week 3 Workout” Tab in the portal).
These exercises are meant to help you stabilize the muscles surrounding your deep inner core. Although you may not feel a typical “burn” sensation, you will fatigue the transverse abdominis and pelvic floor muscles in a different way.
Pelvic Tilts - Lay down on the floor, legs bent, feet flat on floor. Drive your weight through your heels as you lift your hips off the floor and exhale to scoop out your belly and engage your transverse abdominis and lift up your pelvic floor. Inhale to set your pelvis back down on the floor. Repeat.
Heel Kicks - Lay down on floor, legs bent, feet flat on the mat. On the inhale, flex your foot and kick your leg straight towards the back wall, staying just high enough above the mat to control the movement with your core. Exhale to bring your leg back to starting position. Alternate.
Alternate March Legs Apart - Lay down on the mat and bring your legs to a table top position keeping space between your legs. On the inhale, drop your leg a few inches above the floor, keeping your pelvis stable, and exhale to return it to the starting position. Keep your ribs from flaring out and your lower back glued to the floor as you move through these exercises. You don’t need to move far to make this exercise effective.
Legs Together - Same exercise as above but now glue your inner thighs together. Keep pelvis stable, rib cage knit together (not flaring) , and inhale to bring legs toward the mat, and exhale to scoop your belly and bring legs back to starting position.
Quick-Step March - Same exercise as above but now you are breathing quickly and keeping your core engaged the entire time. The trick is to keep tension in your core while inhaling and exhaling and keeping your pelvis stable.
Table Top Full Extension - Keep legs in a table top position and inhale to extend one leg completely straight, heel is flexed, and exhale to bring leg back to starting position. Alternate.
Legs Together - Same exercise as above but now glue your inner thighs together. Keep pelvis stable, rib cage knit together (not flaring) , and inhale to bring legs toward the mat, and exhale to scoop your belly and bring legs back to starting position.
Floor Kick-Backs - Come down to the ground on all fours positioned in the center of the mat. Inhale to soften your core, stay strong in the shoulders. Exhale to extend your leg straight behind you feeling the work in your glute muscle, keeping your hips square and your pelvis slightly tucked. Inhale to bring it back to center. Toes are pointed. Alternate.
Hamstring Curls - Extend one leg straight with foot flexed. Exhale to curl your calf towards your bum and exhale to straighten. Keep your waistline pulled in. (It has a tendency to fall towards the floor). Keep it engaged and wrapped around your body.
Hamstring Pulse to Midline - Same exercise as above except now you keep your leg curled and pulse to midline of your body. Try to imagine that one side of your bum is kissing the other side of your bum. You are trying to fire up the inside corner of your seat muscle. Repeat the glute series on other side.
Fire Hydrants - Come onto all fours and keep your leg in a 90 degree angle lifting it to the side of your body. Exhale to lift the leg and inhale to bring it back to the starting position. Stay strong in your shoulders and let your hip open as you lift your leg up.
Fire Hydrant Circles - Now hold your leg up at the top of the lift and try to imagine tracing circles with your knee cap (roughly the size of a tennis ball). Repeat on the other side.
Cat/Cows - Come down to all fours and inhale to look to the sky and release your tailbone upwards. Exhale to tuck your tailbone underneath you and tuck your chin looking for your navel. Scooping out your core on the exhale.
Cool Down: Foam roll to balance full body. Foam roll to heal a diastasis recti and release tension around your waistline.
Foam Roll Full Body video here.
Foam Roll Diastasis Recti video here.
Be sure you are eating enough calories according to MyFitnessPal app and balancing your carbs, fat and protein
Shorten your eating window to 8 hours
Your ideal plate: 50 % fibrous veggies, 30% protein, 20% fat
Day 5 - Strong Day (Deep Inner Core Workout for Stability)
IMPORTANT: If you notice your stomach doming, or bulging out, then you must STOP. If you notice you are holding your breath, you could be harming your pelvic floor. Proper technique is imperative for strengthening your inner core and not causing more damage. If at any time you notice your tummy bulging out or you are pushing your pelvic floor outwards (away from your body) then STOP. These are clear signs you need to practice the proper BAB breath technique before you progress. The best cue you can give yourself is: BLOW (exhale) BEFORE YOU GO!
Now that we are in Week 3 you can consider using 2-3 lb. weights during the warm up if you are so inclined.
Warm Up: BAB Warm Up & Warm Up Thighs Addon Video (These are the same Warm Up & Warm Up Glute Addon Video as the ones located in “Restore Week 3 Workout” tab in the portal). Remember: Inhale/exhale to breathe using imagery for rib cage and pelvic floor expansion and then narrowing again to close.
Restore Week 3 Workout Video here. (The exercises are explained in detail below for more information, or you can follow along with the video located in the “Restore Week 3 Workout” Tab in the portal).
These exercises are meant to help you stabilize the muscles surrounding your deep inner core. Although you may not feel a typical “burn” sensation, you will fatigue the transverse abdominis and pelvic floor muscles in a different way.
Runner’s Lunge - Inhale to start. Exhale to kick your leg back to a runner’s lunge and inhale to bring your leg back to center.
Pelvic Tilts with Ball - Lay down on the floor, legs bent, feet flat on floor. Place ball between inner thighs and squueze. Drive your weight through your heels as you lift your hips off the floor and exhale to scoop out your belly and engage your transverse abdominis and lift up your pelvic floor. Inhale to set your pelvis back down on the floor. Repeat.
Pelvic Tilts with Ball Continued - Keep the squeeze on the ball and exhale to lift your pelvis. Slightly release your squeesze on the ball as you lower your pelvis back to the ground. Exhale to squeeze the ball to lift your pelvis again - being sure to cinch in your waistline and keep your abdominal wall flat.
Pelvic Lift and Ball Squeeze - Now hold the squeeze on ball steady as you keep your pelvis lifted off the ground. Squeeze toward the midline on each exhale keeping your waistline flat. Inhale for a quick relaese and squeeze on the ball again to exhale bringing your inner thighs cloer together. Repeat.
Table Top Ball Squeeze - Position your legs in table top and place the ball between your inner thighs. Glue your lower back to the mat and just breath and squeese the ball with consistent pressure. Keep legs at ninety degrees while you breathe and squeeze.
Table Top Knee to Forehead - Now keep a consistent squeeze on the ball and exhale to pulse your legs twoard your forehead on each exhale. Keep the shape of your legs in a ninety degree angle throughout this exercise. Keep tension in your core throughout this exercise.
Table Top Squeeze to Midline and Pulse to Forehead - Keeping our legs in table top, add a squeeze to midline and pulse to forehead on each exhale.
Full Leg Extension - Straighten your legs to the ceiling, toes pointed and ball between your thighs. Squeeze on the ball and lift your pelvis off the ground - working your lower abs on each exhale. Now keep a consistent squeeze on the ball, never releasing on the ball, and use your lower abs to lift your pelvis off the ground.
Bird/Dog on All Fours - Come onto all fours and place the ball in your hand. On the exhale, extend leg straight behind you at the same time you are extending your opposite arm. Keep your core engaged on the inhale and exhale, as you are trying to cinch your waistline and keep your tummy from bulging towards the mat. Next, you will be keeping your leg and arm straight as you do tiny pulses at the top of the extension. Next. you will be pulsing your arm and leg towards the midline of your body as you exhale. Repeat this series on the other side of your body.
Hamstring Curls with Ball - Come down to all fours. Place the ball behind your hamstring and squeeze it between your calf and hamstring. Keep a consistent squeeze on the ball and lift your leg as you exhale to engage your core. Keep your hips square. Next, keep your leg still but lifted, as you just squeeze on the ball with each exhale. Now, keep your leg still and squeeze toward your midline. Finish with tiny lifts up to the ceiling.
Hamstring Squeeze & Lift to the Side - Hold the squeeze on the ball and lift your knee to the side of your body until it is parallel with your shoulder. Next, hold your leg at the top of the lift and swing your leg back and forth - pulling it closer to your elbow and then swinging it back behind you - keeping the leg in one even plane the whole time. Do not let your knee drop. Keep your waistline pulled in. (It has a tendency to fall towards the floor). Keep it engaged and wrapped around your body.
Cool Down: Foam roll for full body. Also, foam roll to heal a diastasis recti and release tension around your waistline.
Foam Roll for Full Body Video here.
Foam Roll for Diastasis Recti Video here.
Be sure you are eating enough calories according to MyFitnessPal app and balancing your carbs, fat and protein
Shorten your eating window to 8 hours
Your ideal plate: 50 % fibrous veggies, 30% protein, 20% fat
Day 6 - Sporty Day
Get outside and walk barefoot with your kiddos. I promise I haven’t gone all hippy dippy on you! It’s called “Earthing” and you are about to realize that you don’t walk barefoot outside enough. It’s just another way to lower your cortisol levels and inflammation in the body - which is exactly what your postpartum body needs right now. Plus, it’s so easy! And the kids love it! You better believe I want to see a pic of this!
Day 7 - Self Care Sunday
Massage for Diastasis Recti. In the BAB Sit-up for DR video I discussed massaging your six-pack muscle. Be sure to take time today to complete this massage - it’s just another piece of the postpartum puzzle that will help put your body back together again.
Lay down on the mat, legs bent, feet flat on floor. Use your fingers to feel where your 6-pack muscles are located on either side of your linea alba. Go ahead and walk your fingers up and down these muscles from your sternum to your pubic bone. This gets blood flow to the area and starts to release tension from the stretching and strain they endured during pregnancy.
Diastasis Recti Massage video here. (This is the same video demonstrating the BAB DR Sit-ups. But in the beginning, I show you how to massage your rectus abdominus muscles.)
Massage for a C-section scar. It’s so important to bring blood flow to this scar and try to break up the stickiness of the adhesion before it pulls you out of alignment. IT may be too sensitive to massage directly but even doing a few rolls between your thumb and forefinger will be helpful when you massage around the the incision. Don’t be afraid to start gently and massage more firmly as the sensitivity of this area improves.
Massage for C-Section scar video here.