Introducing the first online health and wellness programs designed just for moms. The MBODY8 programs were created because our mombodies are different. It’s time we took charge of our health & wellness destiny because our mombodies need unique care that no one else in the fitness industry is really talking about.
New moms will love our RESTORE program because they require a specialized recovery program - after the trauma of birth it makes sense to “heal like wolverine” more than it does to focus on “losing the baby weight”.
$19.99 for 6 week self-guided program
More seasoned moms will love our REBUILD program that helps balance those mombody hormones and teaches moms to use their monthly cycle to their advantage. Being healthy is easy when you listen to what your mombody needs each month.
$19.99 for 4 week self-guided program
Menopausal moms will love our REBALANCE program that teaches strategies to help navigate this new stage of life and address a weakened core no matter how long ago they had children.
$19.99 for a 4 week self-guided program
Hi, I’m Amy Sosville and I’ve been helping moms fall in love with their mombodies for 11 years. But it didn’t start out this way.
The self-loathing of a mother’s body is REAL, and it breaks my heart to hear women criticize and nitpick their lives away. It’s astonishing how much time and energy goes into cultivating a poor self-image and detesting the way your mombody looks! I know, because like you, I’ve been there too. And if I’m being honest, some days I’m still there. I don’t know why we are so hard on ourselves…the loose skin, the stretch marks, the cellulite, the thickened waistlines, our leaky pelvic floors…you name it. And the worst part is, the nitpicking doesn’t stop until you decide the madness ends here. Right now.
I believe I can help you find your way out of this negativity.
Deep down, I knew my body was capable of amazing things if I could just get on track with what exactly it was asking from me. And it all started with developing very specific exercises to rebuild my mombody core from the inside out. Today, this exercise technique is called CARVE and I share it with any mom that wants my help. This exercise technique is truly the information I believe all moms need to know and I’m so grateful to share it with you. Please start your journey here because it is the perfect launching pad to move toward better mombody health.
Over time, I also developed the MBODY8 lifestyle to compliment the CARVE technique. Here, I teach moms to embody health and wellness practices that support their mombody (8 of them, to be exact). When you support your mombody, your mombody will support you. So many moms have found peace and acceptance when they are taught to take care of themselves in a kind, gentle, loving way. It is my hope that CARVE and MBODY8 will help you too.
So, after all these years, the answer to finding a positive self-image is simple: Work in partnership with your mombody, never against it.
Eat like you love yourself, move like you love yourself, rest like you love yourself, speak like you love yourself. This is where the magic happens.